Critical Appraisal of Attached Literature Review

Section I

Question 1

            One of the studies that the author briefly describes in the literature review is the article by Sabatelli, Buck, and Dyer (1982). The author briefly describes this article as a study that focused on non-verbal communication and the relationship with marital complaints. The study revealed that wives whose husbands were good communicators had more complaints about the husbands. Another study that the author describes in the literature review is the journal article by Frisby and Booth-Butterfield (2012), whose study is about the purpose of flirtation. The results of this study revealed that a significant reason for flirting within marriage was to create a private world for the couple and motivate them to have sex. Critical Appraisal of Attached Literature Review

Question 2

A relevant theory that the author cites in her review is the concept of perspective-taking, which refers to the ability to consider how someone else thinks or feels about something, by looking beyond one’s perspective. This theory requires that the person have an understanding of how another feels, thinks, and intends. The author notes that this theory makes a partner feel that their spouse cares for them and cares about resolving their marital issues.

Question 3

            The literature used in the literature review is all from journal articles, from credible and verifiable journals. These journal articles are also peer-reviewed. Therefore, they are reliable for use in this review as sources of information.


Section II

Question 1     

The author mentioned and referred to a total of 13 research articles from the reference list. These articles presented information about studies conducted to investigate various aspects of communication in marriage.

Question 2

None of the journal articles used for this literature review are more than five years old. All articles are more than five years old, with one dating as far back as 1959.

Question 3

The total number of sources that are more than five years old in the literature review are 13.

Question 4

            The number of sources older than ten years old in the literature review is 10.

Question 5

            The author used a landmark study, which is the study by Locke & Wallace (1959). This study is pivotal in the field of marital research because it presents the concept of the Marital Adjustment Test, which is a test that determines the overall marital satisfaction in a couple. This test is referred to in several other studies as a yardstick for determining the quality of happiness in marriages, therefore, qualifying this resource as a landmark study.

Section III

Question 1

One of the journals that the author refers to in her review is The Southern Communication Journal, in which the article by Kellas, Willer & Trees is found. This journal explores the concept of perspective taking. Another journal that the author explores is the Communication Monographs, in which the article by Koerner & Fitzpatrick (2002) explore the concept of marital adjustment and satisfaction. Thirdly, the author includes the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, in which the article by Gottman & Krokoff (1989) is found. Lastly, the review includes the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, which hosts Noller’s article (1980). Critical Appraisal of Attached Literature Review

Question 2

The author does not use any book for their literature review.

Question 3

Two communication journals that the author used for the review are Communication Monographs and The Southern Communication Journal.

Question 4

A psychology journal referred to in this literature review is the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology which explores the concept of marriage interaction and satisfaction. Other psychology journals that the author used is the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology and Journal of Family Psychology by Sanford (2006) which explore ideas on marital misunderstandings and communications.

Section IV

Question 1

            The author subdivides her literature review into topics such as non-verbal communication, communication styles when flirting, conflict communication styles, and communicated perspective-taking.

Question 2

The author identified the Marital Adjustment Test as a well-known concept related to marital satisfaction. The author contends that those who score lowly in this test have lower levels of marital adjustment and poor communication skills. The test identifies marital adjustment as an important and crucial factor in marriage satisfaction and communication.

Question 3

The author identified the concept least explored as the study of the differences in communication styles between men and women. She contends that researchers need to explore this concept further to gain further insights and more knowledge on the topic because it would lead to a better understanding of how to maintain successful marriages. The author also suggests further studies on communication practised among the newly wed couples.

Question 4

This literature review aims to help people discover their personal communication styles while in relationships so that they can communicate more effectively to their partners so that those in marriages obtain knowledge on how to have successful marriages. Therefore, by conducting a literature review of peer-reviewed journals, the reader understands the application of various concepts of communication within a marriage context, and how to apply them in real-world scenarios. Critical Appraisal of Attached Literature Review


Frisby, B.B. & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2012). The “how” and “why” of flirtatious communication between marital partners. Communication Quarterly, 60(4), 465-480.

Gottman, J.M. & Krokoff, L.J. (1989). Marital interaction and satisfaction: A longitudinal view. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57(1), 47-52.

Kellas, J.K., Willer, E.K., & Trees, A.R. (2013). Communicated perspective-taking during stories of marital stress: spouses’ perceptions of one another’s perspective-taking behaviors. The Southern Communication Journal, 78, 326-351. dio: 10.1080/1041794X.2013.815264

Koerner, A. & Fitzpatrick, M.A. (2002). Nonverbal communication and marital adjustment and satisfaction: The role of decoding relationship relevant relationship irrelevant affect. Communication Monographs, 69(1), 33-51. doi: 10.1080/03637750216537

Noller, P. (1980). Misunderstandings in marital communication: A study of couples’ nonverbal communication. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 39(6), 1135-1148.

Sabatelli, R.M., Buck, R. & Dreyer, A. (1982). Nonverbal communication accuracy in married couples: Relationship with marital complaints. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 43(5), 1088-1097.

Sanford, K. (2006). Communication during marital conflict: When couples alter their appraisal, they change their behavior. Journal of Family Psychology, 20(2), 256-265. doi: 10.1037/0893-3200.20.2.256

Weisfeld, C.C. & Stack, M. A. (2002). When I look into your eyes. Psychology, Evolution & Gender, 4(2), 125-147. doi: 10.1080/1461666031000063656 Critical Appraisal of Attached Literature Review