Clinical Quality Measures Discussion

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid services stipulated three clinical quality measures pertinent to my nursing practice. These include, first, the effective pharmacotherapy clinical care for Opioid and related substance use disorders among 18 years of older patients undergoing 180 days of continuous treatment. The second quality measure relevant to my nursing practice is the provision of caregiver-centered experiences and outcomes for average changes in leg pains for patients who have undergone a laminotomy or lumbar discectomy.  The last quality measure is the effective provision of person and caregiver-centered experiences for the average change of using the Oxford Knee Score for patients who have undergone a total knee replacement surgery. These quality measures are pertinent to my nursing practice since they touch and involve providing nursing care to the involved patients. Clinical Quality Measures Discussion


             I expect to find the data for all the three quality measures on the patients’ age, based on two provisions. The first provision is where all these measures filter the eligibility of the patient using their age. For instance, all three measures have their eligible patients as those who are 18 years or older.  Secondly, all three quality measures have their first step in their submission criteria as checking the patient’s age. Thus, to contribute to either of these measures, I will arrange the patient’s data when prioritizing their age and later the applied procedures or administered prescriptions.Clinical Quality Measures Discussion

Standardized terminology will ease the searching, compiling, and analyzing of complete and accurate data across my healthcare system by describing the key parts of the nursing care process and simplifying communication. Standardized terminology identifies the already used and applicable nursing terms and keywords, offering an all-rounded nursing care language that supports ease interoperability (Kieft et al., 2017). The presence of these nursing care languages and keywords enables the development of relative databases, which can provide evidence-based standards for validating the effects and contribution of the provided nursing care to respective patients.   More so, standardized terminology facilitates simple and effective communication among nurses (Moen et al., 2020). Such communication among the nursing workforce enables them to easily search, compile, and analyze complete and accurate data in healthcare systems.


Kieft, R. A. M. M., Vreeke, E. M., De Groot, E. M., Volkert, P. A., Francke, A. L., & Delnoij, D.            M. (2017). The development of a nursing subset of patient problems to support           interoperability. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 17(1), 1-12.

Moen, H., Hakala, K., Peltonen, L. M., Suhonen, H., Ginter, F., Salakoski, T., & Salanterä, S.      (2020). Supporting the use of standardized nursing terminologies with automatic subject   heading prediction: a comparison of sentence-level text classification methods. Journal of           the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(1), 81-88. Clinical Quality Measures Discussion