Nursing Theorists and Their Work

The students will be asked to generate a scholarly paper based upon their Nursing Philosophy. The paper will be based upon the four concepts of nursing meta paradigm (person, nursing, environment, and health). The prompts to be utilized: • Begin with an introduction to your topic • Compare and contrast two nursing theorists and note/explain how they inform your philosophy of nursing. • Elaborate using your personal definition for each of the concepts and how they fit into your unique nursing philosophy • Compare and contrast the philosophies of two health systems of your choice, i.e. Jackson Health System, Baptist Health, Cleveland Clinic, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) or TENET and note/explain how their philosophies are demonstrated in the workplace. • Generate a concise reflective summary in the first person in which you include (1) what you learned from the assignment, (2) how it will impact your practice in the future, and (3) any recommendations you would make. Requirements: • Your scholarly paper must meet APA 7th edition format for spacing, punctuation, citation, and referencing. • The length of the content/body of your paper must be at least 750 words but not to exceed 1250 words, or 3- 5 pages of the content/body of the paper. • The body of the work should be written in third person • References used should be comprised of four peer-reviewed sources with at least two from the nursing discipline (journal, website, video or text) and be compliant with the 7th edition APA manual. • It is highly recommended you review your work with an MDC writing tutor prior to submitting it via Turn-It-In on MDC Blackboard. • It is required that the plagiarism reported via Turn-It-In is less than 20% copy match. ————————————————- QEP Written Assignment Template Introduce the concept of the nursing meta paradigm and its four concepts. Outline what you will accomplish in this paper. Definitions of Four Concepts of the Meta paradigm Provide definitions of the four concepts (nursing, environment, health, person) and identify their sources. What do theorists say about these different concepts? How do they define them? Personalized Definitions of Concepts of the Meta paradigm You can write in first person in this section. Provide your definitions of the four concepts (nursing, environment, health, and person). Reveal your nursing philosophy.* How do these concepts fit in your philosophy? Analysis of Two Health Care Systems Compare and contrast the philosophies of two health care systems (i.e., Mayo Clinic, Jackson Health System, Baptist Health, Cleveland Clinic). How are they different or similar? Keywords: mission, values, philosophy, theory, nursing practice models, beliefs, vision Summary Summarize the most important points from paper. Draw any final conclusions about nursing philosophy. Reflection You can write in first person in this section. Address these questions in this section in a narrative fashion: • Did you experience any “a-ha” moment(s)? • What did you learn about yourself? • How will your nursing philosophy impact or guide your practice? • Did you connect more with the philosophy of one health care system over the other? How? Nursing Theorists and Their Work


Success in the professional environment requires personal beliefs about the professional to help keep the individual aspiring and current. The personal beliefs are presented as a philosophy that helps to identify the theories that shape the choices made within the professional environment. This is particularly true for nurse professionals who presenting their philosophy of nursing as a statement outlining individual beliefs, ethics and values, as well as the motivation for joining the profession. In addition, the philosophy presents the perspective regarding patient care, practice and education. Through capturing the intrinsic goals and beliefs within the nursing profession in the philosophy, an individual nurse is able to have a closer connection to these beliefs that are used to shape professional practice and provide the direction for which specialties and skills should be strengthened (Kim, 2015). The present paper offers a discussion on personal nursing philosophy.

Compare and contrast two nursing theorists and note/explain how they inform your philosophy of nursing.

The two theorists have been identified as Hildegard Peplau and Virginia Henderson. Peplau pioneered the Interpersonal Relations Theory. In her theory, she defined nursing practice as the interpersonal process that leverages the therapeutic between a nurse professional trained to recognize and respond to the health care needs, and individuals who are sick and in need of medical care. The theory focuses more on galvanizing nurses to develop more therapeutic interventions within their clinical settings (Alligood & Tomey, 2013).

On other hand, Henderson developed the Nursing Need Theory. The theory focuses on the importance of making patient more independent to hasten their recovery within the health care environment. It places emphasis on the importance of addressing the basic human needs of patients and how nurses can play a critical part on meet these needs. It acknowledges that nurses should follow the care plan presented by the interprofessional teams, but they must be creating in planning for the delivery of medical care in order to ensure that the basic needs are met (Alligood & Tomey, 2013).

Although the two theorists focus on improving the delivery of nursing care in terms of patient outcomes, they have fundamental differences. Peplau emphasizes the relationship between the nurse and client as the foundation of delivering professional nursing care. Henderson emphasized that nurses can only play a limited role in health care delivery and that patients must be empowered to participate in their health care by increasing their independence to hasten their progress (Snowden, Donnell & Duffy, 2014).Nursing Theorists and Their Work

Elaborate using your personal definition for each of the concepts and how they fit into your unique nursing philosophy

My personal philosophy of nursing recognizes that while individuals will actively seek to improve their health, their limited knowledge and awareness of health sciences restricts their efforts. Towards this end, health care professionals (such as nurses and physicians) are required to intervene as they are specially trained, uniquely knowledgeable and policed to provide competent health care services that meet the existing needs of patients. I believe that as a nurse who has undergone professional training and received the necessary practice credentials, certifications and licenses, I am uniquely qualified to support my patients in efforts to improve their health and wellness. In addition, I need to improve my professional knowledge, skills and competence in order to always provide better health care services to my patients. My philosophy helps me in understanding the purpose of nursing as being to help patients in improving their health. My philosophy of nursing has also informed my understanding of the four major concepts. Firstly, I understand that an individual will inherently seek to improve his/her health by accessing health care services. Secondly, health is a state of satisfaction in which an individual does not seek medical services because of satisfaction with the health status. Nurses help individuals to achieve health by promoting health, preventing illness and curing through the creative and constructive use of professional competencies. Thirdly, the environment/society refers to any external factors that influence the health status to include interactions with others, culture, and weather. Nurses must have an awareness of the environment in order to better understand the patient and present a personalized nursing care approach best suited to the prevailing needs of the patient. Finally, nursing is the unique function that focuses on contributing to the recovery and health of an individual in the pursuit of independence. The goal of a nurse is to make the patient independent/whole/complete through collaborating with other health care professionals.

Compare and contrast the philosophies of two health systems of your choice, i.e. Jackson Health System, Baptist Health, Cleveland Clinic, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) or TENET and note/explain how their philosophies are demonstrated in the workplace.

The two selected health systems are Jackson Health System and Cleveland Clinic. Firstly, Jackson Health System has presented its mission as building the health of the community through providing high quality medical care. Cleveland Clinic has a similar mission in providing better care to its patients, however, it goes a step further in highlighting the need for better diagnostic services and patient education to support health care delivery efforts. The two health systems have similar visions of health care. Secondly, Jackson Health System has the vision of being recognized national and internationally as a world health care delivery and academic organization that provides the choice of quality care. Cleveland Clinic similar seeks to provide the best medical care, however, it goes a step further in expressing its aspiration to be the best organization for medical personnel seeking to provide health care services. Thirdly, Jackson Health System presents its value as providing the best care that demonstrates expertise, respect, accountability and compassion. Cleveland Clinic presents its values as pursuing innovation, inclusion, integrity, teamwork, empathy, and quality and safety (Cleveland Clinic, 2020; Jackson Health System, 2020). The philosophies of the two health systems are demonstrated in the workplace through their mission, vision and values.Nursing Theorists and Their Work


Generate a concise reflective summary in the first person in which you include (1) what you learned from the assignment, (2) how it will impact your practice in the future, and (3) any recommendations you would make.

This assignment has been a learning and informative experience. I have learned to have a better appreciation of nursing care and relationships with patients. I now understand that the main objective of nurses is to support patients in seeking health and wellness. In addition, nurses must work with other health professionals in order to provide the best possible health care. In working together in interprofesional teams, the different health professions can leverage their knowledge to better understand the needs of the patient and provide competent care. Besides that, nurses must always seek to improve their knowledge and skills in order to provide better medical care. The awareness gained from completing the assignment will be useful in planning my career path in terms of what education to seek and how to engage other health professions to better understand the needs of a patient and provide the required care. Also, the awareness will help me to better relate to patients by understanding that they have a unique awareness of their health and wellness goals. As a nurse, I should focus on helping patients to meet these goals by understanding the gaps that exist and leveraging my professional competencies to better address these gaps. Having completed this assignment, I would recommend that nursing care should leverage relationships with patients and other health professionals to provide the best possible health care services. Nursing Theorists and Their Work


Alligood, M. R., & Tomey, A. M. (2013). Nursing Theorists and Their Work (7th ed.). Elsevier Health Services.

Cleveland Clinic (2020). Mission, Vision & Values.

Jackson Health System (2020). About Us.

Kim, H. S. (2015). The Essence of Nursing Practice: Philosophy and Perspective. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Snowden, A., Donnell, A., & Duffy, T. (2014). Pioneering Theories in Nursing. Quay Books Division, MA Healthcare Ltd. Nursing Theorists and Their Work