Assessment Of Medicines Assignment Discussion Paper


One of the most well-known aspects of the 21st Century Cures Act is its support of notable medical research efforts as well as its expedited assessment of medicines and equipment by the United States Food and Drug Administration. President Barack Obama signed it into law on December 13, 2016, and it became effective immediately. The Cures Act looks to promote health outcomes for vulnerable groups, such as those suffering from mental disorders or drug addiction issues, as well as people who have just been freed from jail (Cole et al., 2017). A large body of research has shown that racial minorities are subjected to tougher punitive action in the criminal justice system than their white counterparts Assessment Of Medicines Assignment Discussion Paper


According to current data, the United States is suffering an increasing opioid addiction epidemic, with a high incidence among largely white middle-class and suburban regions (Cole et al., 2017). Consequently, drug misuse is no longer seen to be an issue that just exists in metropolitan areas. Using a public health perspective, the Cures Act advocates the decriminalization of drug abuse while also creating the possibility to solve the racial inequities that now exist in the criminal justice system  Assessment Of Medicines Assignment Discussion Paper

The Cures Act’s provisions have also enabled improvements in the flow and interchange of electronic health records, as well as the development of new technologies. In order to make this possible, it first advocated for medical product development as well as for more quick and reliable ways of bringing new technologies and health-care improvements to people in critical need (Livingood & Allegrant, 2017). Patients may now have simple and immediate access to their electronic medical data via the use of cell phones and software programs Assessment Of Medicines Assignment Discussion Paper


Cole, D. M., Thomas, D. M., Field, K., Wool, A., Lipiner, T., Massenberg, N., & Guthrie, B. J. (2017). The 21st Century Cures Act implications for the reduction of racial health disparities in the US criminal justice system: A public health approach. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 5(4), 885-893.

Livingood, W. C., & Allegrante, J. P. (2017). The 21st Century Cures Act and the future of health education and health-related behavioral research. Health Education & Behavior, 44(3), 353-355. Assessment Of Medicines Assignment Discussion Paper