Health Promotion Plan Essay Example Paper

Health promotion is the practice of empowering individuals to take charge of their health and enhance it. The fundamental aim of health promotion is to provide individuals with the resources they need to stay healthy. Nurses’ function in health promotion is to encourage and assist patients in making better decisions that will enhance their overall health. In addition, nurses can help patients improve their health and avoid chronic illnesses by giving information and the tools they need. This health promotion plan seeks to enlighten teenagers about the dangers of tobacco usage, highlight the significance of health promotion in teenagers, and set mutually agreed-upon health goals for them Health Promotion Plan Essay Example Paper.


Health Concern: Tobacco Use

Tobacco usage is among the most serious health concerns in the community. Over 480,000 individuals have been dying every year in America because of smoking (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Smoking tobacco affects nearly each body organ and causes a variety of illnesses in users (CDC, 2020). Tobacco usage affects not just the health of users but also others who are termed, passive smokers. Based on the CDC report, approximately 2.5 million passive smokers succumbed to health problems related to cigarette smoke exposure (CDC, 2020). As a result, both passive and active smokers face serious health risks. Because technology has advanced, numerous individuals are seen using smoking, vaping, chewing, hookah, and e-cigarettes to encourage tobacco usage (Ma et al., 2021).

Importance of Tobacco Use in Adolescents for Health Promotion

Teenage health disparities are caused by a number of variables, including their surroundings and socioeconomic standing. Considering most adolescents do not have medical insurance, the health issue linked to smoking is critical for health promotion among them. Youth who begin smoking tobacco are more likely to get hooked. The usage of new tobacco products such as e-cigarettes is quickly growing among school-going young adults and children (Healthy People 2020, 2020). Cigarette use in adolescents and young adults may have both short-term and long-term consequences, mainly due to nicotine dependency. Adolescents are more receptive to nicotine than grownups, and they get addicted to it far sooner. Individuals who begin smoking at a young age are more inclined to develop a serious addiction problem than those who begin later in life. Numerous young smokers may suffer from heart disease, reduced lung function, and development, lung, esophageal, and oral cancer, among other serious health effects Health Promotion Plan Essay Example Paper.

Health Goals

The agreed-upon health goals for this health promotion plan will be developed and implemented in conjunction with a group of teenagers who presently use tobacco on a regular basis. When developing a health promotion plan, using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Reasonable, and Timeline-based) goals promotes patient-centered care and improves the chances of quitting smoking (, 2020). During goal-setting, the nursing staff should create health goals that are personalized to the client and what the client wants to achieve. In order to create a patient-centered health promotion strategy, this is essential. It enables the client to select what they want to achieve in terms of their health in the long term.

The healthcare practitioner will then work with the client to come up with a measurable goal After a clear goal has been set, like “by the end of this month, I will stop smoking tobacco,” This objective aids in the development of a responsibility medium for the client to monitor their achievements, such as a diary or a refrigerator calendar.

Setting an action-oriented goal requires first understanding the context for nicotine usage. This objective enables the client to identify and create a goal for the activities needed to quit smoking. Enrolling in a support group or joining a tobacco cessation initiative are instances of this goal, as are establishing healthy alternatives during trigger times, including working out, eating healthy foods, or even using toothpicks (, 2020).

When setting a realistic goal, the client must arrange a support group to help them stay on track and provide assistance when necessary. After the client has built a support network, they ought to inform them that they are stopping smoking and outline their requirements, like occasional checks or encouraging words (, 2020)Health Promotion Plan Essay Example Paper.


Following the creation of these health goals, the patient should construct a timetable as a final aim. This goal should be in line with the explicit goal. To improve the effectiveness of the health promotion plan, the client can modify the action plan as necessary (, 2020).


Conclusively, the CDC estimates that at the present rate of teenage smoking, 5.6 million Individuals in America below the age of 18 will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease (CDC, 2020). Irrespective of the individual’s health inequalities, youths should get more assistance and resources to help them quit smoking. Healthcare providers may give the teenage patient the necessary information to help them quit smoking by developing a health promotion plan. Creating a health promotion plan for this population may aid in preventing potential chronic illnesses and mortality from smoking-related causes.


Centers for Disease and Control (CDC). (2020, September 09). Youth and Tobacco Use. Retrieved from My SMART HEALTH ACTION PLAN G 1 – Eugene, Oregon. Retrieved from—Quit-Tobacco?bidId=

Healthy People 2020 (2020). Tobacco Use. Retrieved November 13, 2020, from

Ma, C., Xi, B., Li, Z., Wu, H., Zhao, M., Liang, Y., & Bovet, P. (2021). Prevalence and trends in tobacco use among adolescents aged 13–15 years in 143 countries, 1999–2018: Findings from the global youth tobacco surveys. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 5(4), 245-255.

Health Promotion Plan Essay Example Paper