Protected Health Information Essay Example Paper

The adoption of digitization in the healthcare industry has been bolstered by worldwide technological advancements. Electronic health records, for example, have been integrated into the healthcare delivery process to help control patient health information. Nevertheless, the adoption of this technological threshold has raised the possibility of a data breach in terms of health information confidentiality, security, and privacy. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted in response to this issue, with the main goal of requiring healthcare institutions to adhere to clients’ confidentiality, security, and privacy principles (Rouse, 2017). To fulfill the current demands of preserving clients’ rights, principles, and interests, all medical practitioners must have a solid interdisciplinary dedication to social media and electronic health records Protected Health Information Essay Example Paper.


Privacy, Security and Confidentiality

Healthcare practitioners’ dedication to safeguarding health information should include maintaining privacy, security, and confidentiality; this is especially important when working with social media sites because of their public nature. Honoring specific procedures established by clients to safeguard their health information is referred to as privacy (Cohen & Mello, 2018). This commitment is also the duty of clinicians because they have exposure to the patient outcomes from the diagnostic procedure. The measures used by a healthcare organization for clinicians to safeguard patient medical data are referred to as security. Finally, confidentiality governs the constraints placed on professionals when exchanging patient data with other professional people such as health insurers. Strong passwords, constant password updates, limiting the exchange of information to authorized individuals, and using encryption keys to thwart interception are just a few of the interdisciplinary collaborative measures to protect critical health information (Bani et al., 2020). These strategies increase the efficacy of securing patient health information and motivate healthcare providers to provide patient-centered services. Each individual in the healthcare team, on the other hand, should adopt individual techniques to improving their security measures, like signing out after accessing computers and generating passwords on work-related portable gadgets Protected Health Information Essay Example Paper.

Evidence-Based Strategies for Confidentiality

It is critical to constantly have the client’s best interests at heart when communicating with the client’s family and friends. In all instances, one should authenticate their identification and their permission to receive sensitive information. Healthcare providers should never think they own the freedom to view any sort of health information except if it is necessary for them to conduct their job. In terms of honoring patient privacy, they should subject their coworkers and teams to the same high standards as themselves (Shen et al., 2019). Practitioners should also serve as privacy role models to students who are just beginning practice in the field. If family or friends persuade them to break privacy regulations, they must resist. If they are uncertain, they should consult their data protection officer.

Guidelines for Using Social Media Appropriately

Healthcare organizations are starting to adopt social media confidentiality and privacy protocols. Clinicians should be aware that they have an ethical and legal commitment to preserving the privacy of their clients at all times (Surani et al., 2017). They must not share any patient information, such as images, through an electrical gadget. Nursing staff ought not to share a patient’s name or any other details that might result in the client’s recognition on social media. They should not use their personal phones to photograph patients or their family members in the healthcare setting. Regarding how to use social media in the workplace, the organization’s policies and procedures handbook should be consulted. If a healthcare provider discovers a violation of privacy or confidentiality, they should disclose it right away Protected Health Information Essay Example Paper.


Bani Issa, W., Al Akour, I., Ibrahim, A., Almarzouqi, A., Abbas, S., Hisham, F., & Griffiths, J. (2020). Privacy, confidentiality, security and patient safety concerns about electronic health records. International Nursing Review, 67(2), 218-230.

Cohen, I. G., & Mello, M. M. (2018). HIPAA and protecting health information in the 21st century. JAMA320(3), 231.

Rouse, M. (2017). HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Shen, N., Bernier, T., Sequeira, L., Strauss, J., Silver, M. P., Carter-Langford, A., & Wiljer, D. (2019). Understanding the patient privacy perspective on health information exchange: A systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics125, 1-12.

Surani, Z., Hirani, R., Elias, A., Quisenberry, L., Varon, J., Surani, S., & Surani, S. (2017). Social media usage among health care providers. BMC Research Notes, 10(1).

Protected Health Information Essay Example Paper