NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion

Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children

When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition, advanced practice nurses can use a diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools; however, different factors affect the validity and reliability of the results produced by these tests or tools. Nurses must be aware of these factors in order to select the most appropriate test or tool and to accurately interpret the results.NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion

Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, body measurements can provide a general picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture-among other factors-are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information can be a delicate process.

In this Discussion, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues. You will explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their children’s health and weight.


To prepare:

Review this week’s learning resources and consider factors that impact the validity and reliability of various assessment tools and diagnostic tests. We will also review examples of pediatric patients and their families as it relates to BMI.

This week you will be assigned one of the following DB by your instructor.

Select one of the following assessment tools or diagnostic tests to explore for the purposes of this Discussion:NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion


Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test

Body-mass index (BMI) using waist circumference for adults

Select one of the examples on which to focus for this Discussion. What health issues and risks may be relevant to the child you selected?NURS 6512 Essay Discussions

Overweight 5-year-old boy with overweight parents

5-year-old girl of normal weight with obese parents

Severely underweight 12-year-old girl with underweight parents

Search the Walden Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you selected. What is its purpose, how is it conducted, and what information does it gather?

What does the literature discuss regarding the validity, reliability, and are there any issues with sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ethical dilemmas, and controversies related to the test or tool?

Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion.

Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s health.

By Day 3

Post a description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you selected is used in health care. Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.


Post an explanation of the health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you selected. Describe additional information you would need in order to further assess his or her weight-related health. Taking into account the parents’ and caregivers’ potential sensitivities, list at least three specific questions you would ask about the child to gather more information. Provide at least two strategies you could employ to encourage the parents or caregivers to be proactive about their child’s health and weight.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues who selected a different tool test, or child health example than you, using one or more of the following approaches:

Critique your colleague’s evaluation of the validity and reliability of the tool or test selected.

Suggest alternative or additional tools or tests that should be considered when gathering information about specific conditions or symptoms.

Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion.

Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s health.

Suggest additional health risks or issues that could be relevant to the child.

Critique your colleagues’ questions, and suggest how the parents or caregivers might interpret these questions. Provide alternate or additional questions.

Suggest an additional strategy for gathering patient information or promoting pro activity

When an individual is suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder and/or a mental health issue, obtaining an accurate diagnosis can be a time consuming, costly, and confusing process. However, the process can be made easier when qualified personnel are located who can thoroughly assess the individual to determine if they meet the diagnostic criteria for either.  In this year’s list, we have documented not only those who diagnose, assess, and/or treat an autism spectrum disorder but also provide options for those who have or are suspected of having a mental illness.

For children attending an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) program, some are equipped with licensed personnel to perform some level of diagnostic testing as part of the intake process. Most are equipped to complete programming assessments, including the ABLLS®-R and/or VB MAPP. Ongoing assessment assists with program development. Contact individual providers/centers to identify their assessment options.  For a list of ABA providers in the state of Indiana, visit our website at NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion

For infants or toddlers prior to their third birthday, local First Steps Service personnel may be able to assist in locating trained personnel. The phone number for your local First Steps can be obtained by calling
(317) 232-1144 or (800) 545-7763. You will need to provide the name of the county in which you live, and they will provide you with the number to call for your county. You can also visit the First Steps Map webpage: and click on your county to find information on your local First Steps Office.


If you are seeking an assessment for an individual of school age, including ages 3 through 5, contact your local school district for information. School districts employ psychologists and other professionals who can assess school-age children to determine if they meet eligibility criteria for receiving services. If your child is between the ages of 3 to 21, an educational assessment with a team of qualified professionals is required to determine eligibility for special education and related services. A “medical diagnosis” from a physician does NOT necessarily qualify an individual for educational services. Evaluations conducted through the school district are conducted at no cost to parents. If you have received a medical diagnosis, inform your school and provide their school psychologist with a copy of the report. They can use the report as a reference and important additional information when determining eligibility for services.

The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) provides diagnostic/evaluation services for individuals in need of residential services. Individuals will have to be assessed to determine initial and continuing eligibility for services. BDDS is also the main entry point for Indiana’s Medicaid (HCBS) Waivers for children and adults with developmental disabilities. An autism spectrum disorder is considered a developmental disability. Call the state BDDS office at (800) 545-7763 to request contact information (e.g., phone numbers, names, addresses) for the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Field Service Office for the county in which you live or go to the BDDS webpage: to find the phone number for your local office. More information can be found online at

Community Mental Health Centers and other professionals can assist when pursuing options for those with mental health issues.  Visit the website for Division of Mental Health and Addictions at to locate community options. If a family or agency wants a private assessment, the following agencies and individuals have experience diagnosing and assessing. Some of the professionals on this list may also be able to provide assistance with medications, educational programming, speech therapy, behavioral support, and/or with counseling or psychiatric services. NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion The Indiana Resource Center for Autism and the Indiana School Mental Health Initiative do not recommend a specific organization or person. When contacting those listed below, discuss the cost of the evaluation, the testing procedures and assessment instruments used, and the type of follow-up report. A thorough assessment should allow the examiner to gather sufficient information about areas of strength and need, educate the family regarding the diagnosis, and provide information that logically leads to programming recommendations at home and elsewhere. When pursuing a private evaluation, contact your insurance company to determine how much and what portions of the assessment will be covered.  Also be sure to ask the person/agency doing the testing whether they accept Medicaid, or if there are other payment options they will or will not accept.

You may contact the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at (812) 855-6508, at any time, for more information on autism spectrum disorders or visit our web site at to learn more about the activities of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism.  Contact the Indiana School Mental Health Initiative for more information about mental health issues by visiting our website NURS 6512 Week 3 Essay Discussion