Career Development for Diverse Clients Essay Discussion Paper

Explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals.

Meaningful professional development requires having goals regarding what is important. It involves building a career that meets the personal needs, such that the professional development goals take the career to the next level. This requires that the academic activities and accomplishments be included. There are three strategies for achieving this. First, building, nurturing and maintaining a professional network that can help in identifying what is important. Most career opportunities (between 70% and 85%) are identified and filled through networking. Having a professional network is helpful for determining an appealing career path that shapes the goals in terms of what is important. This includes staying connected, attending industry events, and being of good conduct (Yena, 2019). Second, having a mentor as a sure way of learning which skills are important, how to transition into new professional roles, and how to advance in the career. Third, mastering the industry in terms of which specialized skills and knowledge is required. Mastering the trends, processes and jargon can help with communicating about the issues the industry/organization is facing, thus helping in developing professional development goals that best demonstrate the professional capabilities (Borgen, 2021) Career Development for Diverse Clients Essay Discussion Paper.


Explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change.

The professional goals align with the university’s emphasis on social change through showing how to use the career to advance social change agenda. Professional development cannot escape the reality that personal circumstances are the most influential factor in deciding on a job since most people do not have the luxury of doing as they choose since payments are due (such as college loans, food and car payments that must be made). The reality is that paid work is what sustains life. However, the university’s emphasis on social change has made it easier to recognize that social change and work need not to be mutually exclusive. Every job can be done in a manner that aligns with personal values and advances social causes. Within a job, there is room to do the right thing and take meaningful steps to improve the lives of others. For instance, simply being honest, fair, kind and generous in professional work go a long way in making the world a better place (Walther, 2020)Career Development for Diverse Clients Essay Discussion Paper.


Borgen, R. A. (2021). Career Development for Diverse Clients: Beyond the Basics. Cognella Academic Publishing.

Walther, C. C. (2020). Humanitarian Work, Social Change, and Human Behavior: Compassion for Change. Springer Nature.

Yena, D. J. (2019). Career Directions: New Paths to Your Ideal Career. McGraw-Hill Education.

Prepare: Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements. Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development. By Day 3 Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples. By Day 6 Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements. Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message Career Development for Diverse Clients Essay Discussion Paper