Academic and Professional Success Plan Essay Discussion Paper

Step 1: Comparison of Nursing Specialties

The selected nurse specialty is Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) while the alternative nurse specialty is Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Qualifications to practice as a PMHNP requires that the individual have a RN license to practice, lowest level of nursing education at Master’s with specialization in psychiatric nursing, and board certification for PMHNP practice received from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. During practice and provision of professional nursing services, a PMHNP is responsible for diagnosing and treating patients who present a range of psychiatric disorders, mental health concerns and behavioral issues. The nature of patients that PMHNP specialize in handling differs significantly from the nature of ailments that other nursing specialties handle. Overall, a PMHNP focuses on presenting medical treatment that focuses on psychiatry and mental comfort. Qualifying and working as a PMHNP is ideal since such a position would present daily practice challenges, especially as there are different patient demographics that present with different mental health concerns. Each patient is unique and ensuring that the patient receives the appropriate care requires creativity and innovativeness on the part of the PMHNP, thereby making this an interesting and challenging nursing specialty (Zaccagnini & White, 2017)Academic and Professional Success Plan Essay Discussion Paper.


As earlier indicated, the alternative nursing specialty is FNP. Similar to a PMHNP, a FNP requires a RN license to practice. However, there are significant differences as although the two require at least a Master’s level of nursing education, a FNP does not focus on mental health issues, but instead focuses on family health concerns. The core practice area of a FNP is to make connections with patients and guide them through the challenging and good times in health. In providing nursing care, a FNP works collaboratively with physicians to ensure that patients receive the required care at every encounter. Some of the responsibilities that FNP undertake include writing prescriptions, conducting assessments, and consultation. The focus is on maintaining health and wellness over the long term while paying attention to preventive care. It is important to note that even as they work with physicians, a FNP enjoys a high level of autonomy, can operate an independent practice as the primary provider, and can prescribe controlled medication. Many states allow FNP to practice independently while taking on roles that are typically undertaken by physicians (Zaccagnini & White, 2017)Academic and Professional Success Plan Essay Discussion Paper.

Step 2: Justification of Nursing Specialty

PMHNP is an ideal nursing specialty because it is challenging. A PMHNP provides care to all patient demographics in all care settings. Also, many states allow PMHNP to practice independently. The prospect of working with different patient demographics in independent practice is interesting and fascinating. This is especially the case for a person like myself who is concerned with psychiatric care issues that include health care inequalities, advocacy, and medical personnel shortages. I intend to undertake personal proactive steps to address these concerns by seeking independent practice as a PMHNP in an underserved community (Jones & Beauvais, 2022).

Besides that, I anticipate that demand for PMHNP will increase. First, people are living longer and providing care for an aging population is important. The care that aging populations require include mental health services for elderly persons who are at high risk of developing age-based mental health concerns that include depression and dementia. The ongoing social distancing in this Covid-19 era has made it even harder for older persons to stay socially active thereby exposing them to higher rates of mental health problems. Secondly, there is a projected job growth outlook for PMHNP with an expectation of numerous job opportunities for practitioners. Third, people are encouraged to access psychiatric care because of increasing awareness of mental health disorders. This means that PMHNP services will be increasingly demanded (Stele, 2022)Academic and Professional Success Plan Essay Discussion Paper.

Step 3: Professional Organizations

American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) is a professional organization for PMHNPs. The organization resents an understanding that PMHNP champion wellness for the community, advance the science and knowledge of whole health, and provide hope to those with mental health disorders. In fact, the organization acts as a forum in which PMHNP can engage with each other, form networks and learn. It connects PMHNP together, presents tools to keep PMHNP practice current, presents opportunities for continuing education, offers evidence-based resources, and allows for dynamic collaborations. Besides that, the organization recognizes and awards PMHNP for exceptional service provision, and offers research grants. Membership in the organization is at an annual fee of $135 for regular, affiliate and international membership, $75 for active duty military and retired membership, and $25 for student membership. The members enjoy benefits that include connections with expansive PMHNP community for collegiality, community and camaraderie as PMHNP get in touch with others who understand what they do and help them learn, growth and provide the best health care services. Further, members have access to resources vetted by other PMHNP, and enjoy savings on certification, publications and conferences (American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2022)Academic and Professional Success Plan Essay Discussion Paper.


American Psychiatric Nurses Association (2022). Welcome to Your Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Community.

Jones, J. S., & Beauvais, A. M. (2022). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: An Interpersonal Approach (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Steele, D. (2022). Keltner’s Psychiatric Nursing (9th ed.). Elsevier, Inc.

Zaccagnini, M., & White, K. (Eds.) (2017). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.


Week 6 | Part 4: Finalizing the Plan I have considered various options for my nursing specialty, including a close look at my selected (or currently preferred) specialty and second-preferred specialty. I have also developed a justification of my selected (or preferred) specialty. Lastly, I have examined one professional organization related to my selected or preferred specialty and considered how I can become a member of this organization. The results of my efforts are below. Directions: Complete Step 1 by writing 2-3 paragraphs in the space below comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration – to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision. Complete Step 2 by writing a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum. Complete Step 3 by examining and identifying one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization. Step 1: Comparison of Nursing Specialties Use the space below to write 2-3 paragraphs comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration – to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.   Step 2: Justification of Nursing Specialty Use the space below to write a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum. Step 3: Professional Organizations Use the space below to identify and examine one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization. Academic and Professional Success Plan Essay Discussion Paper