The Diagnosis And Prognosis of Sepsis Essay Discussion Paper

Briefly describe the quality improvement practice gap you identified in your nursing practice or organization.

The identified quality improvement practice gap in the organization is sepsis care. Although the organization has been performing well, there is a quality improvement opportunity to optimize sepsis care. In this case, the opportunity is to implement early recognition and optimized treatment protocols. Sepsis is a significant concern for any health care setting since it is a cause of morbidity and mortality, as well as a substantial health care burden that accounts for about 6% of total hospital costs at the organization. While the organization has taken measures to reduce sepsis caused mortality rates, the incidence rates of sepsis continue to increase. In fact, incidence rate has increased from 4 in 100 patients to 6 in 100 patients while mortality has reduced from 2 in 1,000 patients to 1 in 1,000 patients. The quality improvement project will address this concern by apply Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) protocol in defining sepsis. In addition, the project will make sepsis screening standard practice with a focus on the SOFA scores. The use of SOFA protocol and sepsis screening is expected to help with early treatments and optimal resuscitation. Besides that, the quality improvement project will increase sepsis awareness and implement sepsis care bundle (Kim & Park, 2019)The Diagnosis And Prognosis of Sepsis Essay Discussion Paper.



Develop at least two SMART objectives you might apply in the project planning phase or execution phase to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified.

Three SMART objectives will be applied in the project to address the identified quality improvement gap. Firstly, change sepsis definition to use quick SOFA (specific) that focuses on dysregulated host response to infection and organ dysfunction (measurable and attainable) to improve early identification of sepsis cases (relevant).

Second, adopt sepsis screening that uses SOFA scores (specific) as standard practice that is routinely applied to patients (measurable, attainable and time-bound) so that sepsis cases are identified at the earliest opportunity (relevant).

Third, increase sepsis awareness and implement sepsis care bundle (specific, measurable and attainable) so that nurses and other medical personnel are equipped to address sepsis within the organization (relevant)The Diagnosis And Prognosis of Sepsis Essay Discussion Paper.

Recommend at least two project management activities you would use for your project, addressing the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Explain your justification for why these activities would provide the best support.

Three project management activities will be used for the project to address the identified quality improvement gap. These project management activities are well defined, practical, concrete actions that are undertaken to achieve the three SMART objectives.

First, create and public SOFA protocol for the organization. The protocol will define sepsis and septic shock thus ensuring that no sepsis cases are overlooked as is the case with the traditional definition that uses Systematic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) (Toker, Kose & Turken, 2021).

Second, adopt SOFA protocol as standard practice within the organization. This involves translating the SOFA protocol into a document that is matched with the workflow at the organization as it assigns clear responsibilities. This will ensure that every person knows what to do at any given time (Toker, Kose & Turken, 2021).

Thirdly, prepare and implement a sepsis education plan. This will improve awareness of sepsis and SOFA protocols, as well as ensure that nurses and other medical personnel can identify the warning signs of sepsis, conduct SOFA screening, and apply an appropriate intervention (Lambden et al., 2019)The Diagnosis And Prognosis of Sepsis Essay Discussion Paper.

Fourth, prepare and implement a sepsis care bundle. This is important for ensuring that the minimum standard of care is delivered. Also, the bundle acts as an audit tool for assessing the delivery of sepsis interventions (Lambden et al., 2019).


Kim, H., & Park, S. (2019). Sepsis: Early Recognition and Optimized Treatment. Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases, 82(1), 6-14.

Lambden, S., Laterre, P. F., Levy, M. M., & Francois, B. (2019). The SOFA score—development, utility and challenges of accurate assessment in clinical trials. Critical Care, 23, Article number 374.

Toker, A. K., Kose, S., & Turken, M. (2021). Comparison of SOFA Score, SIRS, qSOFA, and qSOFA + L Criteria in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Sepsis. The Eurasian Journal of Medicine, 53(1), 40-47.

The Quality Improvement Practice Gap Pinpointing a quality improvement practice gap in my practice site would be a deliberate act. The quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI) team meets monthly to identify areas for improvement. After identifying an issue, a gap analysis would be performed. There are various trigger or potential areas for quality improvement, including poor patient turning culminating in pressure ulcers, ineffective pain treatment, falls, notably those with multiple injuries, and inappropriate antibiotic use. Upon identification of these issues, further investigations may be indicated, which will result in the discovery of the existing practice gaps. To Prepare: Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the approaches of project management. Refer to the Week 3 Discussion, and reflect on the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Consider how you might apply the project management approaches examined this week to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Think about how you might develop SMART objectives for the planning and execution of a project to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Consider any other project management approaches or activities you might recommend using for your project that will address the quality improvement practice gap you identified. The Assignment: (2–3 pages) Briefly describe the quality improvement practice gap you identified in your nursing practice or organization. Be specific The Diagnosis And Prognosis of Sepsis Essay Discussion Paper.

Develop at least two SMART objectives you might apply in the project planning phase or execution phase to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Recommend at least two project management activities you would use for your project, addressing the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Explain your justification for why these activities would provide the best support. Be specific and provide examples. TOOLS TO USE Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit ​​​Institute for Healthcare Improvement Boston, Massachusetts, USA Quality Improvement (QI) Essentials Toolkit IHI’s QI Essentials Toolkit includes the tools and templates you need to launch a successful quality improvement project and manage performance improvement. Each of the ten tools can be used with the Model for Improvement, Lean, or Six Sigma, and includes a short description, instructions, an example, and a blank template. The QI tools include: Cause and Effect Diagram: Also known as the Ishikawa or fishbone diagram, this tool helps you analyze the root causes contributing to an outcome. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis: Also used in Lean management and Six Sigma, FMEA is a systematic, proactive method for identifying potential risks and their impact. Run Charts and Control Charts: These charts help you monitor performance and visualize variation. PDSA Worksheet: Plan-Do-Study-Act rapid-cycle testing helps teams assess whether a change leads to improvement using a methodical learning process. Download the complete toolkit with all ten tools, or download individual tools as you need them to guide your continuous improvement work. *NOTE: Before filling out the templates, first save the PDF files to your computer. Then open and use that version of the tool. Otherwise, your changes will not be saved. The Diagnosis And Prognosis of Sepsis Essay Discussion Paper