Nursing Management Of Heart Failure Patients Essay Paper

Project outline and analysis


The project intends to identify strategies for nursing management of heart failure patients to improve medical outcomes.

  1. Introduction: a description of the problem under review and the need for the problem to be addressed.
    • Problem significance: explicit statements about the importance of the problem, and the theoretical reasons for seeking an answer.
    • Theoretical framework: theoretical definition of the project constructs and terms, as well as the variables that address the problem.
    • Critical analysis and synthesis: present arguments for the project while mentioning existing relevant literature that incorporate the project variables and constructs. Also, it looks at how the variables and constructs intersect. Nursing Management Of Heart Failure Patients Essay Paper
    • Problem statement: succinct and explicit purpose of the project.
    • Hypotheses and questions: present declarative statements in the language of the constructs and in the form of questions that suggest a quantifiable relationship between the constructs.


  2. Literature review: supports the theoretical arguments and demonstrates a grasp of major results and ideas that are relevant to the project.
    • Historical background: puts the project in perspective by noting major issues that affect the constructs and variables.
    • Theory relevance: theoretical perspectives and models that inform the project.
    • Current literature relevant to the project: listing and discussing the literature relevant to the project constructs and variables.
  3. Methodology: details on data collection to facilitate replication.
    • Participants: describe participants, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size, and describe attrition.
    • Measures: describe the data collection instrument, organized based on the constructs and variables.
    • Design: description and terminology for the design, along with protection from threats to internal and external validity, and reliability.
    • Procedure: data collection procedure well described to facilitate replication.
    • Data analysis: describe the statistical analysis approach and alpha level.
  4. Results: outcomes of statistical analysis presented using graphics (tables and figures), along with addressing the project hypotheses and questions.
  5. Discussion: interpret the results in conjunction with other literature.
  6. Conclusion: discuss the results’ implications along with existing consistencies and inconsistencies.
  7. Limitations: discuss factors that weakened the project by limiting validity and reliability. Nursing Management Of Heart Failure Patients Essay Paper
  8. Recommendations: suggestions for future research based on the limitations.
  9. References
  10. Appendices


Gheorghiade (2013) is a journal article that describes some of the progress made in reducing the mortality for patients discharged from medical facilities after receiving treatment for heart-related problems. The author acknowledges that while there has been some progress in improving outcomes, re-hospitalization rates are rising at very fast rates and becoming a source of concern. In fact, a review of data from medical facilities shows that re-hospitalization rates for the first 60 to 90 days after discharge are approaching 30%. Further consideration of the statistics shows that 5.8 million in the US suffer from heart failure at any given time, with the result that they experience high medical care expenditures, morbidity, and mortality rates. Approximately one million heart failure patients are re-admitted into hospital every year, with their healthcare costs estimated at 37.2 billion to cover the readmission every year. In its conclusion, the author points out that the quality metric applied in medical facilities, as the basis for hospital reimbursement and outcomes measures in heart failure clinical trials used in the research, is an effective strategy for preventing re-admission resultant of heart failure-related complications. In essence, it recommends that the identified quality metric should be routinely applied to improve overall outcomes even as they highlight the best management strategies to prevent readmission.

Browers (2013) describes the problem of heart failure as being crucial. This is because it notes that although heart failure patients have an opportunity to live longer due to the advances in medical technology, they experience high mortality rates that are unacceptable. To address the identified problem, the authors propose some viable ways in which nurses can effectively handle the health needs of patients with heart failure so as to reduce their mortality. In essence, the article offers guidelines and methods on how nurses can improve their performance when handling the identified patient group. To justify the proposals, the article applies a quantitative research approach and provides statistics on patients with heart failure, acting as a visual presentation of the reality of heart failure and how it affects the population, and how it acts rapidly to affect patients. For instance, the article states that there will be a 46% increase in the number of chronically ill patients with heart failure, based on past trends that indicate a likely increase in patient numbers over time. In this respect, the article promotes positive change in the workforce by informing nurses on heart failure with its quantitative studies Nursing Management Of Heart Failure Patients Essay Paper


Sterne et al. (2014) presents the results of a study to evaluate nurses’ understanding and awareness of heart failure patients. It mentions that approximately 5.1 million US residents suffer from heart failure, resulting in high numbers of readmissions among elderly persons, and costing approximately $12 billion every year in treatment costs. The article’s focus is to evaluate the implications of nurses’ participation in heart failure education programs, dividing the participating nurses into two groups of pre-test and post-test attendants. The results are then compared for the outcomes before the nurses are exposed to the education program, and three months after completing the program. The results showed that the education had a substantial impact, causing a reduction in 30 days readmission rates from 25.4% to 9%. Of significance was the nurses’ observation that close monitoring of the patients’ diets, fluid intake, weight management, and medication had the most effect on the positive outcomes. Overall, the article concedes that every medical facility should aspire and work towards increasing self-consciousness among its medical personnel, especially among nurses by making them more knowledgeable about caring for heart failure patients and teach them about the disease, medication, dieting, and physical exercises. The article concludes that the primary goal of all medical personnel should be to reduce the rate of readmission, decrease medical cost, and improve the quality of life.

Snyder (2015) focuses on the management of the heart failure patients (qualified as acute and chronic) in the pre-hospital setting. The author reports that in 2012, there were 60,341 deaths resultant from heart failure in the US. Addition review of the figures determined that survival rates improved to 50% within five years of diagnosis following education. Following this awareness, the author explores the evaluation and pre-hospital treatment and the clinical context for all the elements of the history and clinical exam to form a good understanding of the disease and also discuss the appropriate management in a clinical setting to prevent hospitalization. In essence, the article makes it clear that knowledge about heart failure plays a significant role in improving care outcomes, by enabling both the patients and medical personnel to make informed decisions that guarantee good outcomes Nursing Management Of Heart Failure Patients Essay Paper


Bowers, M. (2013). Managing patients with heart failure. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(10), 634-642.

Gheorghiade, M. (2013). Rehospitalization for heart failure problems and perspectives. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 61(4), 1-13.

Snyder, S. (2015). Diagnosis and treatment of the patient with heart failure. EMS World, 33-42.

Sterne, P., Grossman, S., Migliardu, J. & Swallow, A. (2014). Nurses’ knowledge of heart failure: implications for decreasing 30-day re-admission rates. Medsurg Nurs., 23(5), 321-329. Nursing Management Of Heart Failure Patients Essay Paper