Importance Of Leadership Skills In Nursing Discussion Paper


Nursing practices include intensive care of patients of any age group and community, dealing with critical situations, working with different health professionals and understanding management at a certain point in time. For better handling of a variety of work responsibilities, leadership skills are highly crucial. It helps them to deal with situations professionally in the best possible way. The objective of this reflective report is to understand the importance of leadership skills in the nursing department. Reflection of own experience about clinical placement has also been discussed. Leadership styles have been used in different industries for decades. In the nursing profile, this practice is comparatively new but quite fruitful. Since nurses are moving from a conscious state of the image to fast-forwarding clinical practices, they are expected to play a multipurpose role. They take care of severe health conditions of individuals, conduct health assessments; clinical reasoning, maintain collected data from different healthcare departments. In addition, nurses encourage individuals for self-care. Henceforth, effective leadership is an important aspect that affects the quality production of nurses in the constantly changing healthcare system (Bass, 2019). It empowers them to deliver care strongly and to become more treatment-centric. An effective style of leadership develops a vision to utilize available resources sustainably Importance Of Leadership Skills In Nursing Discussion Paper.


The nursing exercise aims to provide essential care to address not only physical but social, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Nowadays, nursing is more about having the vision to interconnect the patient, surroundings, family and history of the patient for the best possible recovery. Leadership skills in this scenario, guide interaction and influence these different groups of people (Belrhiti, Giralt & Marchal, 2018). In this report, Johns’ model of structure reflection has been used to reflect own experience of clinical placement which has been influenced by the leadership style of Imran khan. The article also explains, learning outcomes from that particular event. Imran Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan since 2018. He has enlarged carrier phases. He was an international cricket player, in addition, he was the captain of the Pakistani cricket team during the world cup of 1992 and stand out as an outstanding team leader. He participated in politics actively and possessed one of the supreme posts of Pakistan. He is known for many approved and significant characteristics of the values, attributes and was also of the most famous nurses of his time. He use to streamline and synchronize the values of mind and soul and further synchronize them with the overall beauty of the individual characteristics (Chaudhury, 2022). Thus, such valuable propositions would have helped him in serving a lot more people, identifying their issues and challenges and the ideology of this particular profession has been optimistically conveyed to a large population of the time too.


I will be sharing the experience of the first hospital I was working in. I was giving service in the medical ward of that hospital. A patient had been admitted who was suffering the medical condition of kidney failure. We were to collect his medical documents to understand the actual condition. While going through the reports, we came to know that he is impaired in verbal communication. Here, it is to show the way we dealt with the patient positively and effectively to bring back the patient into a survival condition. Also, what methods do we adopt to communicate with the patient (Kowalski et al., 2020)? We were looking after the management and the medical staff came with some interns. She was informing them that there is a need for kidney transplantation for that service user. After knowing the fact, the patient got panic. He started crying and was quite scared about it. He was so anxious that he did not want to lay down on the bed. Meanwhile, a senior registered nurse was there, saw so much patience in making him understand that everything is happening for the betterment of his health condition. After lots of effort, she finally calmed him down.

The incident had reflections of some good and some bad pieces of evidence that affected my nursing abilities while being a member of the medical team. As a volunteer of the ward, my work responsibilities were keeping track of patients’ ongoing development, conducting health assessments, taking care of patients’ medication routine and giving physical therapies. I realized that I was expected to manage the anxiety of the individual but I could not able to do so. If the medical staff and interns were knowing about the fact that the patient faces difficulties in communicating his feelings, it was needed not to talk about his health condition standing around him. It was a failure due to a lack of cooperation among team members that we could not resist the scenario before it got worst (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). I have understood the relevancies and valuable job responsibilities of individual nurses within the hospitality industry. It was a much motivating form to understand the factual concepts of their job responsibilities and the social behavioural skills used by the will also help me to enhance my individualistic behaviours and skillsets too.

Research has been found that those who are verbally impaired are unable to tackle situations naturally. Firstly, they cannot convert their emotions into words. Secondly, it is hard for them to adopt anything which is beyond their fellow feeling. Nonetheless, the way that senior registered nurses managed to connect with the service user was motivating. She used sign language and made him understand the need for the treatment and assured him that it will give him a healthier life ahead (Henry, 2018). The senior nurse used visual representation to make him believe that things are happening at his convenience. Healthcare professionals should always be aware of dealing with the conditions of specially-abled people. This was a valuable part of the reflection. Keeping note of the patient’s behavioural pattern, likes and dislikes, stress level, emotional downfall should be considered on a priority basis. This can be done by conducting a proper health assessment. It is the fundamental necessity of an individual whereas assessment is a systematic approach of evaluating something to see the progress and outcome (Saleh et al., 2018)Importance Of Leadership Skills In Nursing Discussion Paper. In this scenario, nurses need to interact with patients by using communication mode of verbal as well as non-verbal. By maintaining proper eye contact, the understanding need of the patient, healthcare staff can stimulate confidence among service users. It makes the process of treatment easier and improves the ability to learn care parameters for the patient.


.Nurses are the only ones who are in regular touch with the patients for the majority of the timeframe, henceforth they need to understand their overall perspectives and viewpoints such that The reflection of the incident made me feel that there is a high need of becoming more proactive in the nursing profession. Even there is no need for my interventions, still, if the situation demands the same, I may have to behave as per the requirements. Moreover, it is not about experience level or what is the purpose of one’s possession but it is about being extraordinary in the nursing field. I will be more cautious about maintaining proper confidentiality about the health prescription of the patient in the future (Curtis et al., 2017). Impact of ignoring a patient’s ability to deal with situations can lead to severe physical and mental damage at the same time. Further, I will try to be more attentive towards the requirements of the patients and will find out some better methods as the mode of communication. I will revise my approach while making the medical reports of the patient and will analyse the medical history of the patient by some clinical reasonings which in turn will help me to identify their urgent needs (Xu, 2017). Health assessment is a process of analysing one’s need for treatment by conducting some physical tests and by evaluating health history. I will make use of this practice to have a wholesome idea about the circumstances of the patient. Nurses are the only ones who are in regular touch with the patients for the majority of the timeframe, henceforth they need to understand their overall perspectives and viewpoints such that along with the prescribed medications of the doctors, they could efficiently streamline the individualistic goals and visions of the patients. There is the forefront of any disease that hampers the lives of the masses. However as stated by (Heinen et al. 2019), this particular profession has recently gained much fame and respect as ideally it was not considered to be much of a respected profession. Thus, the moral values and ethical attributes are a part of this profession as nurses not only aided the patients in uplifting and improvising their physical health but also led to the stability of their emotional well-being for a long-term pace along with the prescribed medications of the doctors, they could efficiently streamline the individualistic goals and visions of the patients. There is the forefront of any disease that hampers the lives of the masses. I will take into consideration that other healthcare staff might not aware of the situation of the patient (Miles & Scott, 2019). Therefore, I will provide proper information before going ahead with any experiments. As a working individual, I cannot expect others to behave professionally but definitely will make the people aware to take some precautionary steps before handling a patient. I will implement all the policies and guidelines which I have learned during nursing practices effectively and consistently so that I can keep revising all the necessary attributes of a healthcare profession Importance Of Leadership Skills In Nursing Discussion Paper.


Influencing Factors


As per the reflection of my experience in a medical ward, it can be concluded that nurses are one of the frontline workers who have always been interacting with the patients and thus it is important for them to understand their social mindset along with the physical beneficiaries of the patients. I will be keeping this thing in mind that the nursing field requires more self-assured staff who can take decisive actions as per the demand of circumstances. I also feel that there is a need of acting more professionally which will make me feel confident about doing anything which is out of my field of expertise. Nurses should not be scared about practising something which is not assigned to them, because, the urgent need of patients will not give us proper time to think twice. If we cannot take immediate action, it can be dangerous to the patient. Another important aspect that I learned is the importance of cooperation among team members.  Although everyone in a team does have working areas while treating patients, showing cohesiveness will impose a positive working environment at the same time, it will be more convenient to handle the sudden pressure of the hospital scenario. Having a good relationship with other healthcare departments helps in terms of getting access to sudden demands. I have generated an understanding of current healthcare needs. I hope that I can brush up on my leadership skills with new learning phases.


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Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. (2018). Supplemental materials for Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Henry, D. (2018). Rediscovering the art of nursing to enhance nursing practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 31(1), 47-54. Importance Of Leadership Skills In Nursing Discussion Paper