Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper


Taking a moment to reflect on, ponder on, analyze, and contemplate one’s conduct, ideas, sentiments, intentions, schooling, and work career is known as self-reflection. Using Borton’s means of observation, the paper offers three critical reflections centred on what I learned during the course module to demonstrate how I improved my leadership capabilities and my understanding of the skills needed to operate in health and social care settings. The reflective excerpts feature an analysis of how I participated in community and self-evaluation activities and found and produced pertinent proof supporting my involvement in leadership and learning in my occupational surroundings. My personal leadership plan is the final step in critical reflection Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper.


Analyzing how I participate in peer and self-review procedures: Examining the peer-review procedure within health and social care.

Programs like peer reviews, which ensure that all professional doctors provide the same level of care, are used in social and healthcare environments to safeguard patients (Gorski et al., 2021). The process through which licensed registered nurses frequently analyze, evaluate, and remark on the calibre of nursing care delivered by colleagues compared to accepted standards of practice is known as peer review (Oldland et al., 2020). Thanks to the training module, I now have the information necessary to conduct peer evaluations in contexts related to health and social care. I emphasize the peer assessment method in my reflection by using Borton’s means of observation. Concerning the query, what? The self-reflection I did after my peer review covered several topics. Peer evaluation is practice-focused, according to what is learned in the course module (Mirsaeedi et al., 2020)Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper.

While I do tasks like gauging patient happiness, care delivery results (how quickly patients recuperate), and expense evaluations by asking patients for input, the practice mechanism entails evaluating nursing excellence. Using best practices as a guide, the peer review method assesses the benefits and drawbacks of nursing care. The administration of extensive and ongoing healthcare, the effectiveness of therapeutic interactions, and early disease identification are some areas I will focus on when assessing healthcare competencies. I’ll examine organizational challenges in healthcare environments, see the delivery of service deficiencies, and locate lagging technological applications in the medical field as I look for nursing care’s flaws. Next, I’ll be looking for remedies. Other medical practitioners will also use the peer review process to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of nursing care and gauge the standard of care.

Together with that, in response to the query, so what? Borton’s reflective framework states that presenting proof that supports changing practice protocols to enhance patient treatment is a critical component of the peer review process (Kho et al., 2020). To give proof that will enhance healthcare coverage, I will include the components and practices of the peer assessment behaviourism focused on my self-reflections on the peer review process in healthcare and social care environments. I will use the information from the module to detect health issues via care coordination, participate in clinical inquiry research, examine the proof, use the evidence when making decisions about how to treat patients and find any discrepancies in the substantiation. Infection prevention and control, systematic desensitization, group therapies, oxygen delivery for those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary illness, and unobtrusive monitoring of arterial pressure in children are other evidence-based therapies that I will use (Peters et al., 2023)Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. The use of an evidence-based approach in hospital care will be done in a comparable pattern by other medical practitioners.

Moreover, Borton’s reflective framework suggests reflections to define the activities that must be made to respond to the Now, What question. I will work to adopt and legitimize peer review comments and evidence-based treatment to enhance the quality of medical care, according to the data and expertise from the learning segment. I will do this in partnership with other medical professionals. Also, as a group of experts, we will look at potential areas for improvement through the peer review process (Knickmeyer, 2020). The interpersonal skills that help treat patients and train and orient new medical workers are aspects of health and social contexts that may need development. Finally, lowering drug dosage mistakes, better-documenting health information in electronic healthcare records, and integrating health treatment across different departments are other required changes (Cerchione et al., 2023).

Self-reflection on the evaluation process in the domains of health and social care

The method of self-assessment in the domains of social and healthcare services is also considered during critical self-reflection. For nursing medicine and personality knowledge acquisition, reliable self-assessment of skills and expertise is essential (Kulhaneck, 2022). Self-reviews are introspective assessments of one’s abilities, capabilities, and deficiencies. Personal assessments of one’s achievements, abilities, and flaws are known as self-reviews (Dani, 2019). I will do summative, predictive, and contemporaneous self-evaluations within Borton’s reflective process framework. I will do summative self-assessments, such as reviewing performance and evaluating talents, to answer the What question. Reflections on my performance of daily tasks and the simplicity with which I may use my knowledge and abilities to care for patients are examples of such activities. My capacity to handle complex circumstances, such as dealing with patients in the outpatient emergency area and comatose patients, is evaluated predictably. Simultaneous assessments also include whether the initial approach has to be revised or if the client’s healthcare program is on track.

I’ll be able to self-regulate in areas of low expertise in routine healthcare practice by being aware of my inadequacies when I react to the “so what?” query. I will confer with other healthcare experts and read current literature to learn more about the areas where I need to improve based on my self-evaluation. The ability to recognize my abilities via self-evaluation will also provide me the assurance I need to provide patient care and adhere to established plans. In addition, determining my flaws and talents will enable me to set realistic professional objectives in response to the issue of what to do next. The skill to accurately assess one’s weaknesses and strengths results in finding an appropriate balance between everyday routine and personalized learning ambitions (Barzilai et al., 2020)Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. In everyday situations, self-reflection balances certainty and caution, persistence, and adaptation, risk-taking and safety, and independence and collaboration.

Consideration of the selection and production of suitable evidence

My participation in leadership and instruction in my professional and inter-professional contexts depends on my ability to locate and produce relevant evidence. Improving health outcomes, health, and social settings requires decision-making and leadership guided by the best available evidence. Medical mistakes, subpar services, and financial consequences emerge from the inability to apply evidence. In response to the what question, I will find and provide pertinent evidence for informed leadership engagement and education through innovations, assessment, inquiry, and critical thinking within Borton’s reflective writing (Rowe et al., 2020). I will promote an innovative culture inside the organization so that creative tactics and viewpoints may be developed to guide my leadership and decision-making. Most significantly, I will find and produce evidence for my leadership interactions using inquiry, assessment, and critical thinking techniques (Rowe et al., 2020). Finding evidence is done in a sequential manner using the technique. The first step is the asking stage, which creates a question in response to an evaluation of the organizational problem (Rowe et al., 2020).

The questions direct the gathering of evidence from various sources and their identification. After the gathering phase, the acquiring phase comprises compiling and producing information from various sources, including patient input, organizational data, and scientific evidence (Rowe et al., 2020). The third phase of the evaluation stage involves assessing the evidence’s merits. Grading scales and professional evaluations can be used to analyze the evidence. After the assessment phase, there comes a gathering phase (Rowe et al., 2020). The procedures entail combining data from many sources to identify the root causes and workable solutions for resolving the issue or enhancing practice. My leadership and instruction in professional and inter-professional contexts will incorporate the evidence when integrated. As part of the application procedure, you must analyze all of the options that the assessment of the evidence has revealed (Post et al., 2020). The quality of the evidence, relevance to the organization, financial resources, practicality, cost, and efficacy are a few crucial factors that I use to the evidence with the help of a decision matrix to analyze each choice.

To measure the effectiveness of the chosen option upon execution, I will perform an assessment last. Furthermore, in response to the “so what?” issue posed by Borton’s reflective framework, my method of locating and providing evidence for leadership and education is realistic and sure to be successful since it includes realistic actions. To enhance patient outcomes, the body of literature now in circulation stresses the necessity for health and social professionals to acquire evidence-based management skills. Borton’s reflective framework also suggests answering the now what question during contemplation. As a result, I want to find and provide evidence for leadership and education. To do this, I want to collaborate and work in teams with other specialists. The organization will adopt a culture of using evidence-based leadership and instruction, which is the most critical thing I will do. I’ll use tactics like organizational frameworks that encourage inquiries and innovations in my approach. Lastly, I will argue in favor of funding sources to aid in developing evidence and health professionals’ skills.

Review of a Personal Leadership Strategy that is personally warranted

A leadership program is a strategic plan to support staff in acquiring, implementing, and growing their leadership abilities and preparing them for positions as executives or managers within an enterprise. I can create a legitimate specific leadership strategy because of the expertise I’ve acquired during my courses. I will apply a transformational leadership approach during my clinical practice in health and social care by responding to the what question from the perspective of Borton’s reflective approach. Through engaging, empowering, and adding value for supporters, the transactional and transformational theory presents an approach that influences people and social structures and produces positive and constructive transformations (Al Harbi et al., 2019)Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. I will adopt a transformational leadership approach to be vivacious, energetic, and passionate about motivating others inside the organization to work toward shared objectives and challenge the status quo by fostering an environment that values innovation and creativity (Alblooshi et al., 2021). I shall adhere to the traits of magnificent executives and the characteristics of the transformational leadership approach concerning executing it in health and social care.

Throughout my professional and inter-professional practice, I plan to exhibit excellent qualities like commitment to excellence, zeal for my field, empathy, honesty, and respect for others. In addition, I’ll use social care and healthcare environment skills like mentoring, collaborative decision-making, building a suitable workplace environment, and strong written and spoken communication skills in my profession. Exceptionally, employing a transformational leadership style and the commendable traits and abilities of a great leader will be successful in my profession in healthcare and social care environments.

Furthermore, using Borton’s means of observation, my analysis demonstrates how my leadership style and decision-making procedure react to challenging and unexpected circumstances by addressing the so what question. Health emergencies, interpersonal disputes, breaking terrible news to patients and their loved ones, and many more unique events are just a few examples of the complicated and vital situations that can arise in social and healthcare contexts. Given the inevitable and complicated issues in healthcare and social care settings, I will be adaptable and flexible in applying my transformational leadership. I will use an active listening approach to comprehend the issue and gather information from the persons involved in any challenging circumstance. To have enough factual knowledge to address the issue, I will listen carefully to every person in a complex scenario and behave with empathy for all people concerned. So I’ll communicate complex issues straightforwardly and consistently. Every problem is different; therefore, it’s critical to maintain a straightforward and uniform communication approach while tackling critical events to boost team morale and improve your organization’s reputation.

In addition, I’ll engage in intentional dialogue and promote optimism when difficult circumstances in both the social and medical spheres arise. I will have meaningful conversations in urgent circumstances to minimize misunderstanding and persuade all parties that the issue is under control. This will be done by balancing competence and individuality. I’ll maintain my composure and serve as an example for my coworkers by inspiring them to believe in their ability to handle urgent issues via teamwork, commitment, and cooperation. Significantly, I will offer insightful criticism to all parties involved in such a circumstance. I’ll provide patients with their information on time and give other staff members helpful criticism on approaching a problem in the future. To further support my judgment regarding the challenge, I will ensure that an accurate record of the occurrence of a crucial scene is kept for post-evaluation and used as a reference. To increase the caliber of clinical outcomes and foster favorable working conditions for other experts, I will be resolute in putting the choice into action and adaptable in adjusting suitable alterations. The fact that I do not own a stranglehold on expertise will motivate me to adopt cooperation and collaborative contractual relationships in social and healthcare contexts. To complete and support my decision-making process for finding urgent, complex, and unanticipated answers, I will enlist the assistance of other experts (Alison et al., 2022).

Furthermore, according to Borton’s reflective framework, reflections should include details on knowledge gained, practical application in perspective, and expected outcomes for a particular reflection when addressing the now what concern. I take away several vital insights from my type of leadership and handling of complex, unexpected situations in the social and health contexts for this issue. The sustainability of my company and the improvement of health results depend on the experts I work with being inspired, motivated, and encouraged by my innovative leadership style. By fostering the development of other experts’ knowledge, traits, and competencies while increasing their self-esteem and personal convictions, the management style also helps them reach their maximum best skills. The reflection on the management of complicated events also emphasizes the need for leaders to be serene, calm, and adaptable while dealing with difficult situations to inspire confidence in other workers and stakeholders that the issue is under control. As a team may offer various information, skills, and experience to a problem, it can solve ambiguity and knowledge gaps. Leaders in social and healthcare contexts should practice teamwork and collaboration when dealing with unpredictable and complicated circumstances (Mejia et al., 2022).


In addition, practical and pragmatic leadership techniques are required to alter the medical system in social and health settings. Evidence-based care innovations should be developed by health and social professionals, evaluated, and then implemented into the healthcare system through policy shifts. Executives should also continue to develop their professional-relevant skills and competencies. Finally, collaboration and teamwork among leaders are vital to leadership development in both social and medical settings. Health and social workers should establish cooperative working procedures to enhance patient experiences, lower costs, decrease medical mistakes, shorten hospital stays, boost employee satisfaction, and increase employee retention (Mulvale et al., 2019)Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper. As a result, professionals working in social and health contexts ought to promote teamwork both inside and outside.

In conclusion, the reflection uses Borton’s reflective framework to elaborate on my critical thoughts based on what I learned during the course module and to show off my expertise and leadership skills in health and social care. In the reflective essays, I analyze how I participated in peer and self-review processes. I also show how I found and produced evidence that supports my engagement in leadership and education in my work environment. I critically evaluate my well-supported Personal Leadership Plan Professional Leadership Essay Discussion Paper