Person And Family-Centered Care And Nurses Essay Paper

Persons and family-centered care are routines where the careers and patients are active participants in the patient healthcare team. They are involved in decision-making and advising health organizations. Person and family-centered care are applied in the consent process through; respect and dignity, sharing of information promptly, and collaboration in any event concerning patient care.


The involvement of family in a consent process is part of making a decision. For example, if the patient is still a minor, the participation of parents’ consent is always a high need. Another example is when the patient is mentally incapacitated, the involvement of support cannot be gathered from the patient but from the significant other, usually the family (‘Registered Nurses Association of Ontario,’ 2015)Person And Family-Centered Care And Nurses Essay Paper. Valuing ptnerships with patients and their families in seeking treatment to improve patients’ health should be the overall goal of each healthcare provider, having the backup goal of providing the safest, highest medical care . Remember that the only way that you can achieve this goal is by creating partnership with patients, families, and professionals working together every step of the way, this is the essence of family-centered care (Coyne et al., 2018). With family-centered care and patient centered care, it’s really critical to bring the patient and family voice into the diagnosis and treatment plans so that they not only are informed about what the plan will be but they help create the plan based on medical advice but also what patient needs in mind.

Family can be involved in various ways such as; Sharing of information- information is timely provided that makes them play a decision-making rationale. It eradicates biased information. Participation- stimulating the support for families in the care process at any level they feel comfortable with. Stimulating cultural literacy (Park et al., 2018). It’s a principle for family-centered care, and this helps in diversifying the cultures abroad. Family versus collaboration in patient care. It helps in mutual interaction that makes treatment easy.


Based on the question on how to establish therapeutic relationship, when dealing with patients, you have to remember that one size does not fit all, and you cannot stereotype any particular culture. You have to recognize and ask your patient what it is from their culture that they want to infuse into their health care so that you can assure them of a more satisfying patient outcome (Franck & O’Brien, 2019)Person And Family-Centered Care And Nurses Essay Paper. In two minutes, we cannot even scratch the surface of identifying the diverse cultural needs of our patient population. But, with a commitment to cultural education, we can provide a new dimension to culturally competent care and patient satisfaction (Park et al., 2018). Recognizing that something is unique and special to a certain group of people benefits both the patient and the healthcare providers.

To conclude, family-centered care improves the linkage in the confidentiality despondence as it is written in the consent process. The consent process involves the interventions proposed, encouraging decision-making, disclosure, and competency. The doctor should give information concerning a certain disease Person And Family-Centered Care And Nurses Essay Paper