The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion


Mental health disorders are common clinical issues among the elderly, necessitating the development of evidence-based remedies. Mental illnesses account for 6.6 percent of all disability among older individuals. Mental illnesses affect at least 15% of persons over the age of 60. Dementia and depression are the most frequent mental health issues afflict the elderly. Music therapy has been linked to better results in people suffering from mental illnesses. Music therapy, according to Fusar-Poli et al. (2018), is a supplemental technique for controlling dementia and other neurocognitive diseases. As a result, music therapy may be considered an evidence-based treatment for mental health disorders in the elderly. Medications are the most common nursing treatments used to treat mental health problems. However, drugs have side effects that diminish their effectiveness in reducing mental health disorders (Fusar-Poli et al., 2018)The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion. As a result of the negative consequences of drugs as a typical treatment for mental health conditions, the focus has switched to non-pharmacological approaches, including music therapy and exercise therapy. According to Shimizu et al. (2018), older persons cannot successfully stick to exercise regimens, despite the fact that exercise therapy is a valid nursing intervention for reducing the impacts of mental health issues. As a result, music therapy is still a feasible option for older persons suffering from mental health issues. Patients with mental health concerns, particularly older ones, need effective treatment to maintain their health. Active treatment, in which the patient is actively engaged in the music or movements while the music plays, and receptive therapy, during which the patient listens to music consciously, are two types of music therapy. Music therapy helps patients’ mental well-being by developing the neural circuit in their brain (Shimizu et al., 2018).


Music is also employed in low-impact fitness exercises that may be done by elderly people. Mental health issues among the elderly need healthcare organizations reducing the risk of future difficulties among the patients. Mental health issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease, obstruct everyday tasks, necessitating the use of agent healthcare treatments (Lyu et al., 2018). Patients with mental health difficulties have a detrimental impact on their physical health. If older persons with cardiac disease endure untreated depression for a long time, they may suffer negative consequences. Promoting healthy aging may help older individuals with mental health issues. To address the challenges associated with mental health concerns, effective agent care solutions are required. Nurses must be familiar with practical strategies to minimize mental health illnesses, which poses a difficulty for nursing practice. Nursing practice entails developing effective answers to a variety of growing healthcare issues. Mental health difficulties are an important nursing practice issue that nurses must work together to address on a daily basis. Nurses must be aware of the kind of care that elderly people with mental illnesses need. Nurses must make well-informed judgments about which treatments to use to address mental health difficulties. The influence of adult patients’ mental health disorders on.

Clinical problem statement.

Mental and drug use disorders are the largest risk factor for disability worldwide, impacting one out of every three to five people at some point in their life. Despite the significant incidence of these diseases, funding and adequate therapies are in short supply, with financiers and policy experts unable to set priorities for mental health treatment and care. Indeed, substantial evidence suggests that the majority of patients with mental disorders do not obtain specialist services and that national resources disbursed to the management and treatment disorders are significantly lower than those allocated to the management of other serious medical illnesses (Shimizu et al., 2018)The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion. In response, health practitioners and researchers have called for further reforms and scientific studies to enhance treatment, stating that the workload of mental illness would not be scaled back unless more effective solutions to offer sustainable psychotherapy, particularly in resource-limited environments, are identified. It is therefore essential for clinicians to be educated on the significance of music therapy in psychiatric settings for improved patient outcomes.

Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.

The introduction of music therapy in psychiatric units will be of great benefit. Music has been used and researched as a mental health resource for years, with application domains from overall mood enhancement and coping with stress to therapeutic therapies for serious mental illnesses while reducing costs. According to research, music-based solutions to psychotherapy may enhance patients’ chances of receiving treatment. Music therapy has been shown to be beneficial for a variety of mental health issues, particularly depressive episodes, trauma, and schizophrenia, to name a few (Lyu et al., 2018)The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion. Music may be used to process emotional states, trauma, and grief, but it can also be used as a relaxing or moderating element for tension or hyperactivity.

PICOT question.

PICOT: “(P) Among old adult patients can (I) music therapy alongside standard care (C) compared to standard care only (O) reduce incidences of mental health problems for a (T) period of one year.”

Literature search strategy employed.

A competent health sciences librarian did detailed literature searches in CINAHL, PubMed, PsychINFO, Embase, the Cochrane Library, The Music Periodicals, RILM, and SCOPUS Database. This evaluation did not restrict findings by date or geographical region since its purpose was to reveal all publications at the interface of songwriting and serious mental illnesses. An external expert reviewer examined the search strategy, and after making the necessary changes, it was reviewed again by a second health experts utilize the PRESS Checklist. Following the completion of the scans, librarians exported the findings from every dataset into EndNote, de-duplicated them, and posted them to the Covidence website for review by the research team.

Evaluation of the literature.

The literature search for this scoping review found 11,967 studies that may be included. 349 articles were identified to match the integration approach after title/abstract screening and full-text screening. The data was broken down into diagnoses, populations, musical activities, research designs, variables or outcomes examined, and conclusions. Purposes, intervention procedures, demographics, venues, facilitator identities/roles, measures, results, and reported data varied widely between studies (LEE, 2021)The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion. Secondary publications were omitted from evaluations seeking frequency measures of parameters such as facilitator information, setting, demographics, and so on since secondary studies integrated numerous basic studies, where some featured independently in the scoping review. This eliminated the need for duplicate reporting.

Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.

The Change Theory of Lewin

Unfreezing, moving, and refreezing are the three steps of Kurt Lewin’s change theory, which is widely employed in nursing. The hypothesis is based on the existence of opposing and complementary forces (Muldoon, 2020). The driving factors are the change mechanisms that urge employees to change, whereas the defiant elements are the professionals or clinicians who refuse to accept the expected change. The motivating factors must overpower the rebellious force for the theory to win.

Unfreezing Step-This stage entails devising a way that allows employees to forget about the previous routine that was causing them damage and was not fruitful (Muldoon, 2020). The health care personnel at the psychiatric unit will be trained on the need to introduce music therapy alongside standard care to improve patient recovery during this time. The first step will include raising awareness and identifying potential roadblocks to the change’s adoption.

Change Stage-This is the point at which the medical institution progresses to the next level when the shift in feelings, behaviors, and ideas is transformed into something more constructive. Nurses in the psychiatric unit will be taught how to utilize music therapy and standard care to boost mood, anxiety as well as trauma (Muldoon, 2020). They will put their skills to the test with actual folks.

Refreezing Stage-the change is established as a new routine and becomes a regular operating practice. It is simple to go back into previous patterns if you don’t go through this phase. The change initiative will be reviewed at this stage to ensure that any gaps that may obstruct success are closed.

Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.

The change proposal will be overseen by a review panel. Each council member will be allocated a job within the group. Following that, personnel will be educated on how to utilize music therapy in addition to standard care. The short- and long-term goals will be presented, and the transformation will begin.

Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.

Researching and presenting important information regarding the best treatment for mental health illnesses was part of the knowledge production and refinement process. In terms of dispersion and dissemination, numerous stakeholders such as healthcare professionals and opinion leaders collaborated to spread music therapy information (Muldoon, 2020)The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion. End-user incorporation necessitated people and stakeholders applying evidence-based results and innovations on a regular basis.

Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.

The goal of evidence-based procedures is to improve treatment results and care quality. The expense of putting evidence-based solutions in place necessitates cost-cutting (Shimizu et al., 2018). At the time of induction, an evaluative plan was used to facilitate data collection and analysis on the ramifications of music therapy intervention, its productivity, and results.


Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation and a discussion of how these could be overcome.

One of the potential roadblocks is nurse resistance due to their lack of experience with music therapy. The remedy to this hurdle is to educate the physicians on the necessity of the transformation and to provide an evidence-based example, such as the music therapy’s success (Shimizu et al., 2018). Another stumbling block is a lack of contact with the physicians. Some leaders issue instructions without permitting input from stakeholders, which makes it difficult for the change to be accepted favorably. Persons with strong communication skills, on the other hand, will be picked for the project, and all interested parties will be included and permitted to make contributions to the change’s success. Limited access to supportive resources may also hinder the implementation of the change proposal. The most appropriate solution for this challenge is providing capital and funding to acquire the right resources and personnel. The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients Discussion