Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre

Operation theatre is one of the most critical parts of the nursing profession. Preparing the patient for the theatre requires utmost precision and strong decision-making skills. A slight mistake in the preparation of the patient for the theatre would lead to a life and death situation for the patient(Muduly et al 2021). Therefore it is very important for everyone to be well educated about preparing a patient for the operation theatre. There are different protocols that help you know this to maintain a strong quality standard for preparing patients to enter the operation theatre. Most of the time, a student on placement is being trained and taught about these skills and their protocols in order to help them become professional nurses of the future(Sengodan et al 2021)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.

This paper is going to provide a complete teaching plan to increase awareness among my peers regarding teaching students how to prepare and be patient for the operation theatre


(Facchini et al 2021). The primary target audience would be my colleagues and other mentors, and nursing instructors. Throughout this session, all the nursing instructors and trainers would be informed about what is important and what all points need to be explained to the students prior to letting them take care of actual patients.

All of the learners, in this case, would be experts in the field who need a refresher horse as well as training to be adopted with the modern-day standards and qualities. Most of the students would include experience colleagues and trainers who haven’t experienced more than one to two years of training individuals (Russell et al 2020). Therefore they would already have the basic knowledge about how to train students. However, the learners malax certain qualities for which they would be provided training and education to train their students about three pairing candidates to be presented to the operation theatre. Have the learners have already got a significant amount of experience, there might be a certain amount of resistance from the learners in order to be their new methods and techniques. The most learner may tend to stick to their previous ways as defined that are more comfortable (Huang et al 2021). Some of the learners may also have an open mind which would help them adapt to the new techniques and strategies that are being taught to them. Hence the content of the learning-teaching session would require specialized and exact materials as most of the learners’ group would include experts Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.

Session Aim/ Purpose And Intended Learning Outcome

As far as the learning context is concerned, the context is teaching the trainers and instructors how to teach students on placement about preparing a patient for the operation theatre. Therefore in order to assess the learning needs of the learners, a survey would be conducted regarding then need for learning new skills and talents and the areas where they feel they are lacking knowledge. Moreover, quality and standard examinations would also be conducted through the feedback of these students trained by those nurses. This would give the complete picture of the needs and requirements of the trainers and others and help in developing an effective plan (Collins et al 2019).

Already it has been mentioned that the main aim of this session would be to increase awareness among the traders and instructors of nursing about how to train students on placements on preparing patients for the operation theatre.

In order to achieve the aim, the paper has set three different learning outcomes, which are as follows

  • the trainers and instructors would be well aware, and well was with the new modern technologies and techniques for teaching the students
  • The trainers and instructors would be able to identify and differentiate between the protocols that are to be maintained while teaching students
  • The trainers and instructors will become more aware of my new details and other instructions better to be important to this program

As far as the learning theory that I would apply in order to execute my session plan successfully would be the constructivism learning theory. The constructivism learning theory basically defines the process in which a learner creates and builds upon their previous experiences and perceptions in order to develop a new understanding (Horsburgh & Ippolito, 2018). This type of teaching is mostly utilized as a passive way of teaching where the learner is taught by allowing them to incorporate the previous experiences along with the new information and develop new concepts and understanding, which further enhances their learning abilities. This type of teaching-learning theory would be used because most of the learners, in this case, are experts and have previous experience; hence it would be easier for them to structure and build upon their previous ideas and experiences, which words, in turn, result in there progress and development even further.

The session would also utilize the connectivism learning theory, which would help them to connect the gaps between their knowledge and identify new patterns of understanding. This is very heavily influenced by the digital age and is a direct branch of constructivism learning theory (HAMZAH et al 2019)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre. This theory could be defined as identifying and filling up the gaps in the knowledge of the learner through training. This theory is applied because most trainers have some or the other kind of knowledge regarding training students, but due to the ongoing digital age as well as the development of new strategies and techniques, there might be some gap in the knowledge of the individuals which could be overcome through the station plan.

Teaching And Learning Theories

The paper would also use the experiential learning technique as this word is the instructors and the trainers about the new techniques and processes with the help of their experiences (Pengiran, 2018). As well as help them reflect upon the modern technologies and the gaps they have found and their knowledge.

This section will talk about the contents as well as the teaching strategies that would be required in order to teach the trainers and instructors as well as other colleagues to teach these students about preparing patients for the operation theatre.

The primary elements of this session would include how to effectively teach these students about preparing patients for the operational theatres. The trainers would require to import these students with the knowledge of do’s and don’ts effectively so that the students do not miss out on any of the topics (Sudhir et al 2020)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre. Ends for that, the teacher needs to learn how to provide the theoretical knowledge to the students in a most lucid and efficient manner. This would include Lesson of various modern technologies in order to successfully conduct the activities in the clinical environment.

The next element would be to teach the trainers and instructors how to provide practical experiences and exposure to the students through the use use of different types of simulations and operation theatre techniques (Eddens et al 2018). The training session would include training on modern technologies, which would help the trainers to gather knowledge and provide these students with an excellent training session.

Both theoretical and practical knowledge is important. I work being knowledgeable of utilizing various technical tools would require a greater time (Dos Santos et al 2020)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre. The past one or two months would be provided to start completion of the first element as this would require the trainers and instructors to learn about providing theoretical concepts to students through different teaching techniques. Hence different types of teaching techniques would be provided to the trainers during that one month.

A total of three months. It would be provided in teaching the instructors and trainers about how to use the various tools and virtual evaluation processes in order to facilitate these students in preparing a patient for the operation theatre. The instructors and trainers would also be taught about various evaluation techniques within this period of time as this word give them enough time to catch up with these skills well stop this three-month time frame has been taken because, during the first month, the instructors and trainers would be taught similar to students in order to understand the problems that might face where is the second month the real training of the instructional and administrators of the simulation would be provided and finally on the third one the sharpening and practice of the skills would be well encouraged (Manni  et al 2020)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.

Content And Teaching Strategies

Roleplay would be the best form of support for learning activities of theoretical classes as this would provide the trainers and instructors with the problems that their students are facing as well as help them understand the perspective of both students and teachers perspectives which would enhance their teaching capabilities and training skills. This would also help them to learn more about all are the problems that the students are facing and hence help them strategize new techniques and methods to support them(Oh et al 2021)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.

Other learning activities would include classroom simulations where these trainers would be provided with different mentorship programs for different new placement students, and their training would be evaluated on the basis of the performance of the students as well as the growth of the student’s knowledge and understanding. Apart from that, regular sessions and lectures would also be part of this training which would include different theoretical teachings as well as strategy explanations.

Contents in sequence plant activity and teaching strategy resources for teaching and learning facilitator time
list the content/ topic you will include in each section list the strategies Anne learning activities you intend to use for each session list resources you will use to undertake the activity and resources to support learning name of the group member providing each session provide a time frame for each session
different teaching techniques to provide different teaching techniques, lectures would be provided to the trainers about different teaching techniques, and practical role play would be conducted within the classrooms the resources required for this would be teaching materials modules, PowerPoint presentations Jason two weeks
practical application and modern technological implementations this would also include lectures and simulation, which would include learning techniques Simulation technologies PowerPoint presentation  lecture modules notes Jonathan two weeks
technological training programmes through the use of virtual reality and simulations Theoretical training of the software that is to be used and its key features Software

Computer setups

PowerPoint presentations

Jessica one month
Software training and development practical application of this software Software

Computer setups

PowerPoint presentations

James two months

As the station proceeds, it is very important to as is the progress of each and every learner about their progress and how much each and every learner has learned from the training stations and how much they have missed out. This would also help the teacher to better evaluate the progress of the students. In order to evaluate the Leaner, three stages assessment technique would be utilized. At first, each and every candidate would be asked to write down their knowledge and concepts of training that they would receive as well as that knowledge areas. And is similar kind of test would be asked by the training provider to the candidates after the completion of the session (Jones et al 2018).

The second stage of assessment would be the practical learner assessment, where the trainers and the candidates would be assessed based on their regular day-to-day performance and improvement in their skills. Each and every candidate’s performance would be compared with the previous performances and the current performances. This would give a pro clear demarcation of how the training has helped them to improve upon teaching students about preparing For the operation theatre(Mota-Romero et al 2021)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.

The third form of Evaluation of the learner would be done through the feedback presented by the students and how far it has had the learner to reach the goals and learning outcomes. This would also help to identify all areas there has been a gap in learners training which needs to be filled in due time.

Elements Of The Session

As it is important to assist the learner, it is also important to assess the Training sessions as well in order to bring improvements and fill the gaps in the entire session. This would also provide a clear demarcation of how effective is the training. The Evaluation of the entire training session would provide a greater insight about the learners needs and demands as well as help the trainers to plan this ation even more effectively.

The first evaluation technique that would be utilized for this training session would be entire organizational survey Through which decisione planners would identify the expectations needs and demands of the candidates from this station. Apart from that and after the session feedback would also be included in order to study and monitor the effectiveness of this session. This feedback would include areas where the participants could easily express different areas which they have found very useful and the areas that they want to add in this session further it would also include all the training went on and what all key areas that the training has shown poor performance (Morrell et al 2018)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.

Another station evaluation strategy would include evaluating by the process of studying the performance of the participants in various occasions (Coovadia et al 2020). This would include how effective training those individuals are imparting to their students, the overall reduction of these different risks and other casual mistakes in the operation theatre. The quality of service being provided by the trainers as well as this student satisfaction rates. This all would ensure that the entire training session effectiveness.

Moreover this entire station would be evaluated with the current need of skills and requirements in the organization in terms of trainer development and growth. The relevance of this training session along with this important skill requirements would ensure a higher quality session results (Cypro et al 2021)Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre.



It is important for the trainers to be well trained in order to impart education to these students and juniors especially when it is for the operation theatres. Operation theatre is a very delicate rule of the nursing probation and requires at most care and precise training. A slight mistake would be fatal for the patients in the operation theatre hence the trainers need to be updated regularly with different training programmes such as this one. This training station has been planned to provide efficiency to the trainers and enable them to provide high quality superior service to the patients. Teaching Plan For Preparing Patients For The Operation Theatre