Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper

This case study revolves around a neglected child, Brandon by his parents Sam and Chloe. Sam is the primary mother to Brandon who is always away for work and is less involved in Brandon’s care. As a result of neglect and poor parental care, Emma, Brandon’s grandmother though in her mid 50’s chips in to save Brandon whose hygiene, weight and general care are at stake. After a general routine check-up, the general practitioner recommends Brandon to a Registered Nurse who further notices Brandon’s’ situation of poor hygiene, Deteriorating Weight And Neglect. According to 2016 research by United Nations Children’s Fund statistics, 73 countries were implicated in child abuse and neglect where it manifested in different forms, that is physical, sexual, emotional and neglect. It occurs under various environments and is fueled by different perpetrators (Kobulsky, Dubowitz, & Xu, 2020)Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper. In this paper, the focus is on child abuse inflicted on Brandon as a result of his parents’ negligence and the role of the registered nurse in responding to Brandon’s case through mandatory reporting guidelines. Mandatory reporting guidelines refer to set laws that require specific professionals working at their capacity to identify and report child abuse cases to available authorities (Nouman et al., 2020). Under this case, the registered nurse plays the role of a mandatory reporter, Brandon is the victim and his parents are the suspects of child abuse and neglect. The type of child abuse, in this case, is neglect of Brandon’s’ care, poor hygiene since his nappies were often changed and poor nutrition that lead to a decline in his weight.


I choose neglect which is defined as failure to meet a person’s basic needs (physical or physiological) leading to a negative impact on his/her health and subsequent development as my main concern in the mandatory reporting guide decision making tree (Banerjee et al 2019). This is evident in Brandon’s hygiene and clothing. In the case study, Brandon developed nappy rashes on the nappy area resulting in candida infection due to unchanged nappies. Chloe also lacks supervision for Brandon, as noted by her grandmother Emma, he has been left quite often crying on his basinnet and when they visit the hospital, Chloe is left in the waiting car instead of accompanying him with her grandmother for a check-up. Chloe has failed to ensure that Brandon has access to proper medical care, he has nappy rashes and a candida infection that has remained unattended for some time. She has also failed to properly fill the blue book too. Notably, Brandon’s weight is at stake, this means that he is accessing poor nutrition. I indicated NO in the first question which asked if there’s a pattern of the Child/Young person being extremely dirty/hygienic or inappropriately clothed because there was no substantial evidence from the grandmother, she passed by only from work to check on Brandon. I indicated YES on the second question which asked whether there’s been a significant incident because Brandon’s grandmother categorically states that she has often found Brandon in such a state while from work. This type of abuse is neglect and narrows down to lack of supervision Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper.

Discussion Of Child Protection

Child protection involves all services that aim at safeguarding vulnerable children under 18 years from exploitation, neglect and abuse. Child maltreatment refers to the neglect and abuse of persons under the age of 18 years. It involves all forms of physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect. Abuse refers to the violation or infringement of a person’s rights by another person. Neglect refers to failure to meet a person’s basic needs (physical or physiological) leading to a negative impact on his/her health and subsequent development (Woodman et al., 2018). Safeguarding a vulnerable child involves protecting the child from maltreatment, abuse and neglect, advocating for proper child health and development, ensuring that children grow up in a safe and healthy environment and taking recommended actions to ensure all children have the best outcomes while growing (Lines, Grant, & Hutton, 2020). Child protection and legislation a subject to mandatory reporting guidelines where specific professionals are mandated to report cases of child abuse and neglect upon suspicion (Oldland, Botti, Hutchinson, & Redley, 2020)Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper. The types of abuse in question are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Mandatory reporters are cushioned by the law from any civil and administrative consequences as a result of their actions. They are further protected from identity disclosure (Stubbs, & Higgins, 2018).  In reference to this case study, neglect of Brandon by his parents is evident and will be given priority. They have failed to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, access to medical care and poor supervision. As a result, Brandon’s’ health has been impaired leading to a decline in weight and general body weakness, he has developed nappy rashes resulting in candida infection due to unchanged nappies for long hours, poor shelter, hygiene and clothing. Globally children have been victims of abuse and neglect for times immemorial (Gonzalez, Mirabal, & McCall, 2021).  The degree and vulnerability are dependent on whether the child is orphaned, homeless, or abandoned. In scenarios of family dysfunction, children are at risk of abuse and neglect. (Mulder et al., 2018). Child protection policy describes measures to be put in place to safeguard a child, binding rules when working directly with a child, ways to protect a child from neglect and abuse, who is the mandate to report upon suspicion and how to respond to the issue effectively and efficiently (Firmin, 2020)Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper.  Child protection aims at protecting children from exploitation, abuse and violence based on gender, race and socio-economic status.  In Australia, child protection is a public law and local authorities must intervene in areas where suspicion of child abuses and neglect has been documented by a mandatory reporter. The rationale for child protection policy recognizes the professional adults who work within their capacities to uphold child dignity and ensure exploitation minimums by safeguarding vulnerable children from any form of abuse and neglect. It further stipulates that the relationship between an adult and a child is vertical and that the adult is mandated to care and provide for the latter, otherwise exploitation and neglect is a criminal offense and attracts criminal proceedings and a penalty in a court of law. For sustainable action on child protection and legislation, there are two strategies involved; that is promoting sustainable development through promoting innovations in child protection initiatives and promoting sustainable developments through facilitating socio-economic initiatives that create a way for vulnerable children (Skivenes, & Sørsdal, 2018).

Discussion Of The Obligations Of The Registered Nurse

The nursing profession is one of the most challenging professions due to the complexity of the number and type of patients’ needs they attend to. They actively participate in health risk assessment, ward rounds, health evaluation for the sick and promoting general health to all patients (Asiedu et al., 2018). In a well-structured child protection policy strategy, a registered nurse will work closely with other stakeholders. Nurses play a vital role in safeguarding children through the working environments may expose them to health risks and a times psychological complications like stress, which has a consequential effect on morale, self-motivation and output (Griffiths, Royse, & Walker, 2018)Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper. Health workers with poor health mean poor service to their patients thus they need to be adequately supported at all costs. The roles and impact of a registered nurse go a long way to ensure that the neglected child is safe from the targeted abuse and neglect (Ross, Rogers, & King, 2019). The registered nurse will design a framework for a child protection plan that is geared towards ensuring the safety of the child and cushion him/her from further abuse by addressing the loopholes and appreciating the strengths, promoting the child welfare and health and supporting the family in promoting the welfare of the family, the registered nurse may choose to work with other caregivers in establishing specific family needs. Registered nurses are mandated to safeguard a vulnerable child by identifying, intervening and supporting the neglected child and families in scenario cases that need urgent child protection (Wyllie, & Batley, 2019). The registered nurse monitors the child’s safety. The registered nurse will also advocate in favor of the neglected child and make referrals where possible to other professionals like social workers and attend specific case conferences (Pecora et al., 2018). In reference to Brandon’s case study, the type of abuse here is neglect by his parents to proper clothing and hygiene, proper medical care and attention, shelter and food. Legal obligation for the registered nurse will involve reporting suspicion of Brandon’s neglect by his parents Sam and Chloe as per mandatory reporting guidelines in reference to the facts provided by Emma, (Brandon’s grandmother) includes Brandon being left by his mother at the basinnet for long hours with nappy unchanged, poor hygiene and the fact that Chloe lacks supervision to her son. Further, the registered nurse through medical examinations will report child neglect based on poor nutrition that has affected Brandon’s weight, failure to fill the blue book as a mandatory requirement by parents as part of the child health track, and candida infection as a result of poor hygiene, shelter and clothing. It is the ethical obligation of the practitioner to ensure that Brandon has access to medical care for candida infection, blue book is dully filled and monitors his health, safety and offers necessary professional intervention to restore Brandon’s state. The practitioner should ensure that Brandon has access to proper nutrition, clothing, hygiene and shelter. In the long run, the practitioner should link the family with a social worker for further guidance, Chloe may require professional guidance and counseling.



Child protection policies and legislations aim at protecting children or young ones from abuse and neglect from various perpetrators in different environments. They clearly indicate the relationship between parents and child with clear guidelines of legal frameworks or rather what law provides under mandatory reporting guidelines on suspicion and reporting of such exploitations by designated mandatory reporters. It further clarifies on consequences of such exploitation. The role of a registered nurse in this case study is divided into two; legal obligations whereby the nurse will act as a mandatory reporter with suspicion of Brandon’s neglect by his parents using the facts provided by his grandmother Emma and using medical examinations at his/her disposal. On the other hand, ethical obligations for the registered nurse include; proper medical attention to nappy rash and candida infection, closely monitoring Brandon’s’ safety on hygiene, clothing, shelter, proper nutrition and supervision. In addition, the registered nurse will be mandated to refer Brandon’s’ parents to a social worker for counseling Chloe, Brandon’s’ mother seems to be out of her mind. From this case study, information learned on child protection and legislation will offer room for mandatory reporting guidelines that will ensure Brandon’s rights as a young one are safeguarded and his dignity is upheld. Child Abuse And Neglect Assignment Discussion Paper