Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper

In the mental health paradigm, recovery is described as a referral to personal experience or journey which is defined by every that individual who is the part of the process of maintaining well-being. Recovery is unique to everyone and it is mental health services role to create such an environment which supports the recovery efforts of people (Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, 2022)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper. This essay will cover the definition and working pattern in recovery-oriented practices and the ways in which it is different from traditional method of medical care model. Then in the essay, the domains and purposes of the framework of recovery oriented practice and the relation of principles under the Mental Health Act to recovery-oriented practices are discussed. Further in the essay, one of the consumer scenarios about Felicity and her mental trauma and hopelessness is chosen and three domains from the framework are selected and applied in the consumer case to help the patient by providing best recovery oriented practice.


  1. Recovery-Oriented Practice
  2. Recovery oriented practice is the main component of continuous health care reforms which focuses on journeys of people with their mental illnesses. All of the mental health services use this framework of recovery oriented practices to insert the recovery principles in their work. The recovery concept is described by such multi-dimensional processes which are most often linked intricately.  This is type of a non-linear process which is recognised by an person’s own interpretation and their connection with the mental illness. There are three conceptualisations about the recovery methods and they are clinical, service-defined recovery and personal recovery(Chester, et al., 2016)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper. Clinical recovery is defined as deficit-focused model that focuses on stabilising problematic symptoms by providing treatment and managing the risk factors. Service-defined type of recovery is maintained by the mental health organisations and is completely based on the organisations’ administration and fiscal goals and methods that define accessibility and service discharge. Clinical recovery is most of the times associated with service defined recovery and both of them are linked to the traditional concept of ‘getting recovered from mental illness which is always marked by stabilisation and returning to normal baseline functioning as the symptoms have been eradicated (Ahern, Bieling, McKinnon, McNeely, & Langstaff, 2016). However none of the recovery methods are included in an individual’s personal definition of recovery. Along with supporting consumers’ goals of recovery, health professionals are also responsible for introducing and applying strategies that promotes both social and personal recovery. Recovery oriented practice involves an individual’s response towards things, people, and activities which people identify as crucial for their recovery and well-being and to reduce the effects of mental health care techniques on their recovery and mental health. These mental health practices related to recovery-orientation deals with applying patterns of capabilities which support people to identify and be responsible for their self-recovery and wellbeing and thus recognise their goals and aspirations. The recovery-based practices involve principles of hope, self-governance, empowerment and responsibility (Victoria Department of Health, 2022)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper. The national guidelines have advised that this model should be extended from individual care to an institutional basis. The main aim of this recovery based practise in mental health is to support people that will build and maintain a meaningful life along with developing personal identity regardless of the condition if there are symptoms of mental illness or not. A recovery-based approach is thus primarily different from the biomedical opinion as it is instead a holistic approach for wellbeing which is built on individual strengths. This practice incorporates the principles of personalised care and self-determination. It encourages hope, social inclusion, personal goal formation, community participation and self-management. Recovery-oriented practice involves tailored, strength-based personalised care which responds to unique strengths of people, their circumstances and needs and choices (State Government Victoria, 2022)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper.

In recovery method, the personal aims and treatment and recovery hopes of an individual and preferred which focuses on their well-being, meaningful activities and defined roles, purpose of life and goals. In traditional method of care, expectations arise for medical treatment and clinical outcomes. The caring method is focused on professional medical diagnoses, disabilities and deficits, using and understanding the standardised assessments and treatments (State Government Victoria, 2022). The facility is responsible for determining the schedules and routines. The team of professionals makes the major treatment decisions and this process of decision making is centralised. On the other hand, the recovery model is a rather holistic and person-centered approach towards mental health care. This model has gained the recognition in a very short period of time over the past decade and is also turning into standard model of care.

  1. In the model of mental health, the recovery concept is understood as a referral to unique personal experience which is defined and accessed by everyone in relation to wellbeing. Since recovery is owned and is unique to every individual, mental health services play a role in developing an environment which encourages and supports and does not hinder with recovery efforts of people. Recovery is the major component of continual policy reforms in service system of mental health in both Victoria and nationally(State Government Victoria, 2022)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper. The development of guidelines took place after a complete policy analysis, literature review and after stakeholder consultation. The main purpose of Recovery Oriented Practice Framework is to define the principles, capabilities, leadership skills and practices that must support recovery oriented approach to deliver mental health services. It aims to provide help to people who are facing mental health problems and are distressed that they cannot think beyond survival and existence. There are several domains of recovery based model. A total of 5 domains for mental health recovery practice have been identified for this framework. First domain is to promote autonomy and self-determination, it is applied when an individual is unable to advocate at a particular time, it is the responsibility of services that will ensure the view of that individual are appropriately mentioned in every decision-making process (State Government Victoria, 2022). It is also their responsibility to indulge people as their partners in mental health care practice. Second domain is collaborative confederation and purposeful engagements which explains that mental health carers can indulge with people always in ways which are favourable in supporting their recovery practices.  Third domain is about focusing on strengths which involves service orientation towards positive approach which lays emphasis on people’s strengths. Another domain is to provide holistic and person-centered care to people. Other significant domains serve the purpose of supporting people, carers and families along with community participation and nationality. It also explains the importance of proper responsiveness towards diverse culture and at last it supports the reflection and learning.
  2. Principles of Mental Health Act 2014

According to Mental Health, its principles are as follows:

A person who is receiving mental health services must be given the treatment and assessment in the least restrictive way along with controlled assessment and treatment. He should be provided with mental health services which focuses on bringing out the best therapeutic outcomes and promote full recovery and participation in communities. He should be involved in every decisions made about their own assessment and treatment and should be supported in making these decisions and their preferences must be respected (Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission, 2022)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper. Also he should be allowed to make personal decisions regarding their assessment, their rights and dignity shall be respected, medical and health needs should be recognised and responded to, their cultural preferences and ethnicities should be respected. Recovery-based practice is based on supporting its consumers to develop and maintain a meaningful and stable life and also supporting the personal identity which is self-defined and self-created regardless of any chances of showing ongoing symptoms of mental illness. Since this is an ongoing process, it is not concerned with developing a recovery state via treating mental illness (Legal Aid, 2022). This pathway is governed by an individual’s unique strengths, their preferences, experiences, needs and cultural background. Hence recovery is regarded to be a non-linear process of continuous growth and the pathway describes unique strengths of an individual. The practice inspires self-determination and self-management of mental health and individual wellbeing.

  1. Applying Theories into Practice:
  2. The selected consumer scenario is number 2.
  3. The selected domains to be applied in the consumer scenarios are, promoting a culture of hope, focussing on strengths and holistic and personalised care.
  4. The case study describes a 22-years old Felicity who is a social work university student and after being admitted to hospital for paracetamol overdose, it was found that she has taken that step as she recently faced breakup from her boyfriend after they dated for two months. As it was found that she suffers from borderline personality disorder and is also seeing a psychologist. Now the domains under the framework of recovery-based practice can be used here to help her to cope up with the bad time. According to the domain it would be easy for Felicity to recover in an environment that encourages her recovery efforts(State Government Victoria, 2022)Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper. By looking at the mental health of Felicity, it is the most recommendable step to be taken that I provide her the kind of environment that sustains a culture of hope. This will build such an organisational environment for her so that her recovery efforts will be encouraged and appreciated. I will provide her with every type of hopeful and positive environment that will ensure she feels okay while sharing her thoughts and emotions. She has been thinking negatively about herself which resulted in her withdrawal from her university study programs. So, my practice will provide her with empowering and encouraging environment that will help her to recognise her own strengths and talents. She had been singing at the university with the band that also was stopped because of the breakup. As a registered nurse, I will use the optimistic language while talking to her and will celebrate her recovery efforts. This way she will understand the importance she holds in the world. I will make her realise that even if people leave, it does not mean that we start treating ourselves unfairly. It generally happens that people lose their own faith in themselves just because they were so dependent on someone else for their strengths. This should not be happening as the power only lies within oneself. I will help the girl by expressing hope and helping her with being optimistic so that she does not feel hopeless. It can be helped by sharing other people’s recovery stories so that she can feel motivated and positive about herself.

Domains And Purposes Of Recovery-Oriented Practice Framework

According to the other domain, I shall be focusing on the strengths of the individual. As Felicity mentioned, she was a good singer and also used to sing with the band. So to help her come out of the mental trauma that she is in because of the breakup, I will help her to look at the bright side of life and to realise that she is good at a lot of things in her life. If she continues to stay negative about things, soon she will lose her strengths. She is good at singing and this must be appreciated and respected first by her own self. When she truly understands the purpose of life that comes with all of the strengths, she will realise her worth. I will provide her with a kid of environment that will help her to appreciate her value. Third domain that will be in practise here is providing holistic and personalised care. Under this domain, I will approach her with a holistic attitude that will acknowledge the factors which are responsible for her mental and physical wellbeing. This is her own effort that is responsible for her recovery and she should understand that these are her opinions and attitudes that matter and not someone else’s. Mental health services are thereby responsible for enabling the type of environment that helps people to live in accordance with their self-assessed values and wishes and so that they can find ways to meet their needs. This field of health care services is personalised and is completely based on people’s own circumstances and goals. So I will help her to adapt in the environment so that she understands the importance of mental health.



To conclude, it can be said that recovery is a unique and personalised experience journey which is defined by a person having a mental illness. It is unique to an individual and the role that mental health services play in this is to create such an environment which supports and encourages the recovery efforts of an individual. This framework of recovery-based practise is based on domain system that altogether focuses on providing a positive and empowering environment to people so that they can easily recover from their mental illnesses. It focuses on personal development of individuals about self-management, and personal goal setting. This is helpful in aiding people to recover and live in better way. Recovery-Oriented Practice In Mental Health Discussion Paper