Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

Skills Exhibited By Team Leaders

1. Based on the information above, list who is in each of the three teams involved in Kevin Johnson’s care. That is: There is separate document about Kevin this question to answer?

From the core team, Kevin was diagnosed by the doctor in-charge of the Minunthi Tapa Inparrititya clinic and the registered nurse who was being given the responsibility of the particular clinic.

From the coordinating team, Paul, being the health worker of the clinic he acted to be the supporting member of the team.

From the part of the contingency team, Gayle is the part from the credentials educator of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.


2. Think about the designated team leaders during your placements. What skills do they exhibit? How do they exhibit them? Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

The skills those are being required by the team leaders are listed below:

  • Proper organization
  • Sound confidence
  • Respectful towards the team members
  • Fair and free from partiality
  • Effective nature of communication
  • Influential nature

3. Have you participated in a brief? Did the items on this checklist occur? If not, what can be included?

Yes, I have participated in the brief.

Few items on the checklist occurred, but there are few more items that are needed for the inclusion in the checklist. For example, the care of the eyes must be included for the type 2 diabetic mellitus patients, the proper checkups of the nervous systems of the patients suffering from the disease of T2DM and listing the preventions from developing diabetic neuropathy.

4. Now that you have an understanding of what a brief is and what should occur in a brief, look at the following short video clip that shows a team conducting a brief. When you are watching the down below the link is pasted.look for what they say in the brief.

The brief was about a patient who had intermittent decelerations and the improvement of changing the positions for the supplementary supply of the oxygen for monitoring her. The vitals of the patients showed the normal conditions. The doctors need to monitor the patient for her completion of pushing at the second stage.

5. Watch the following two huddle videos below than answer the two questions.

A) The similarities between the two scenarios are both the patients are hypersensitive.

B) The dissimilarities in the huddle of the scenarios are: – in the video- 1 the hypertensive patient was psychotic and was being given 10mg of olanzapine, but in the case of the 2ndvideo the ECG of the patient was very much abnormal with the hypertensive so no olanzapine was being charged. The patient in the 2nd video was asked for holding the Nitro and need for monitoring him.

6. Based on the following video that you watched in the previous activity, describe the debrief you believe this team would have conducted.

The debrief from the link of the video can be:

Will the problem of Joe be solved if you give him over dose? I hope it will not aggravate or his condition will get worsen if you go ahead with the over dose. Also, I hope there will ne no harsh side effect of the over-dose. Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

1. What were the examples of teamwork skills demonstrated in this scenario?

Importance Of Situation Monitoring In Nursing

The examples of the teamwork can be listed as:

Dr. Mathews, being the team lead was busy for the outorders of the drugs, labs and Xrays. Judy was busy in inserting the IV. Natalie was busy in drawing up of the meds. When one of the nurse fails to follow the instruction of the doctor, the other nurse responses and help for conducting the particular task. This puts up an example for the skills of the teamwork.

2. In the cartoon below, how might this team member’s cross monitoring be beneficial to the patient and the team as a whole?

Cross-monitoring can be beneficial in the teamwork in nursing. Cross-monitoring is considered to be the strategy for reduction of the errors on the involvement in supervising the actions of the other members of the team. It also helps in ensuring the oversights or mistakes that are being considered as soon as possible.

3. What were the examples of teamwork skills demonstrated in this scenario?

What actions by the intern Dr Pham were results of cross monitoring?

They used team structure and leadership by making sure that information is shared among team members and the medication errors are changed. This was basically done through mutual support, where they help each other to accurate the knowledge if the outcomes were wrong.

The reason Dr Pham used a cross monitoring action, in order to enhance the patient safety by making sure the medication charts are outlined in correct procedure and it also makes a positive vibes for others too because then they don’t have to be worried about patient`s condition because this patient is already surrounded by an helpful and qualified team member Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

4. Even though the patient’s vital signs were normal, why did Greg have reason for concern?

Being the normal vital signs, Greig was worried because

  • The patient was not in the lucid form
  • The patient fails to seem herself
  • The stress level of the patient was in high elevated zone

5. In your current situation as a nursing student would you feel able to express that you’re not safe?

What are the factors that inhibit you from doing so and/or that contribute to your inability to do so?

If you feel inhibited, what can you and your team do to change the culture?

I may face such traumatic situations in the entire team, if the team members feel superior to me in a constant basis. The team members and I both have to move forward for solving the issue.

6. What are some real-life examples (if you have experienced these, or ones you may think might occur) of situation monitoring in which you needed to? Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

  • Be aware of what was going on.
  • Prioritise and focus on different elements of the situation.
  • Share that information with others.

Real life instances are:

  • Being aware of the surroundings
  • Prioritizing and focusing on the various elements of the present situation
  • Sharing the particular information with the other nursing staffs.

7. What are some instances in which you have been on the ‘same page’ with others on their team?

Use Of Electronic Health Systems

The same page instance can be explained if the team colleagues of my team would make me feel inferior to them.

8. How can lack of a shared mental model affect safety?

Shared mental model may lack safety due to the excess of briefs, debriefs or huddles. If the nurses are getting busy in the discussions the patient may get affected.

9. Do you see different images if you look right to left versus left to right?

Did you share perspectives with someone else? Did their views increase your ability to see the whole picture? Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

Yes, different images are being seen.

The image was saying a duck when seen from left to right, but it can be seen a rabbit when visualized from right to left.

The image from left to right resembles the face of an old lady by the image from right to left shows the back side of the young girl wearing a hat.

The image was saying about the native American wearing a headdress, and from the other perspective, the inuit wearing a fluffy coat and entering an igloo.

Yes, the perspectives are being shared with other people. Yes, their views also helped me in increasing ability for visualizing the entire picture.

10. What actions will you take to improve your and your team’s situation monitoring skills when you are on placement?

Situation monitoring can be developed in the group of nurses by developing the professional skill, the ability for the proper observance. Proper training, effective guidance and the developing skills for adjusting with the other team mates (Paletta 2016)Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing.

1. Describe what the issues were in this scenario regarding communication. Based on TeamSTEPPS® that you have learned about so far, what could have been done in this situation?

The issue faced by the entire team was the miscommunication. When the doctor asked the nurse in charge of the particular patient for providing him with the medicine, called, Lorazepam for 4mg IV. But the in-charge of the nurse for that particular patient fails to focus on the medicine and its dose that has been told by the doctor. If the medicine would have being provided the exact amount which was being suggested by the doctor, the patient would have survived. The low amount of the dosage can lead the arrest of the cardiac muscle,

1. Watch the following videos and list all the possible negative issues with using an electronic health system (EPIC is an American version of an electronic record system?

During the computerization of the records, EHR, does not have the authority for the protection of the access of the unauthorized use of the data. In recent times, the danger of the ransomeware also caused the hampering of the data that may have being saved in the history of the patient in the portal of the particular organization (Uttam et al. 2016). If the software of the EHR is not being upgraded in timely basis, the developer fails to upgrade the service. The facility of the cloud computing helps in storing of the huge data for the organization but if the server fails in connection due to some natural calamity; EHR fails to update the data (Zhu et al. 2015)Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing.

Advice For First-Year Nursing Students

2. Watch the following videos and list all the possible positive issues with using an electronic health system.

The positive features of EHR are the records that are being listed in the EHR, anyone from any place from the world can have the access of the data whenever required (Porsdam et al. 2016). This data are patient specialty, which helps the staff of the organization for the specific information and can help the patients accordingly for visiting the proper section. The templates used in the case of storing the data also maintain a proper ways in storing and reuse the data whenever required (Judd 2015).

3. Explain in your own words what scope of practice is?

How can you determine if an activity or task is within your scope of practice?

What advice would you give a first year nursing student on their first clinical placement regarding their scope of practice?

The scope of practice deals with the process, actions and the procedures that any healthcare professional is allowed for the undertaking while monitoring the terms that is listed in the professional license (Bryan et al. 2016).


The tasks that are being listed in the government registered curriculum are considered to be the scope of practice (Koller and Schwendimann 2016).

The advices that can be given to the first year students in clinical management are (Hamric et al 2013): Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing

  • Need to hold the patience
  • Not to behave as they knows everything
  • Be supportive to the patients.
  • Spreading the helping hand towards the patients for their speedy recovery

Skills Of A Team Leader And Situation Monitoring In Nursing