Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay

As a clinical mental health counselor and school counselor, my role in the agency, school, and community I serve is to provide emotional and psychological support to individuals and groups struggling with mental health issues. My primary responsibilities include conducting assessments, diagnosing mental health disorders, developing treatment plans, and providing counseling and therapy services to individuals, families, and groups (Semaka & Austin, 2019)Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay. Additionally, I collaborate with other behavioral health care professionals, such as psychiatrists, social workers, and case managers, to provide comprehensive and integrated care to clients.


To ensure that I am providing the highest quality of care to my clients, I will strive to obtain and maintain certification and licensure in my field (Nahrisah et al., 2020). It will not only demonstrate my competence and knowledge in the field of counseling, but it will also enable me to provide services as a licensed professional counselor or school counselor for persons with mental health issues. Additionally, I will stay current with the latest research and developments by participating in ongoing education and training opportunities. I will also seek supervision and mentorship from experienced and respected professionals to continue improving my skills and knowledge. Lastly, I will commit to self-care and self-reflection to ensure that I provide the best care possible to my clients.

To develop a counselor identity that fosters leadership and advocacy and provides services as a licensed professional counselor or school counselor for persons with mental health issues, I will focus on building solid relationships with my clients and colleagues. I will strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space where my clients can feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings (Marsh et al., 2020)Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay. I will advocate for my clients by ensuring they access the resources and services needed to improve their mental health and well-being.

As I continue to develop my identity as a counselor, I am committed to incorporating the university’s Professional Dispositions of Learners in my field of study into my practice. I will focus on one fundamental disposition: self-awareness and reflection (Marsh et al., 2020)Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay. I understand the importance of being aware of my biases, assumptions, and limitations, and I am committed to regularly examining my thoughts and actions to improve my practice. Another critical disposition is developing a sense of cultural humility. I recognize that every individual comes from a unique background with their own experiences, beliefs, and values, and I am committed to being open-minded and respectful of cultural diversity.

Additionally, I am dedicated to ongoing professional development, which will help me stay current with the latest research and best practices in my field. I will also strive to be a responsible, ethical, compassionate counselor dedicated to promoting my clients’ well-being. My ultimate goal is to provide the best possible care for each individual, and I will work hard to achieve this through ongoing self-reflection, cultural humility, and professional development.

One of the critical skills I will practice for building rapport with clients/students is active listening which is a critical skill for building rapport with clients or students. It involves paying close attention to what the other person is saying, both verbally and nonverbally, and responding in a way that shows that you understand and care about their thoughts and feelings. To practice active listening, I will make a conscious effort to pay attention to the verbal and nonverbal cues that my clients or students are giving me, such as their tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language (Johnson & Green, 2021)Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay. I will also use open-ended questions and reflections to encourage them to share more about their thoughts and feelings and show that I am genuinely interested in what they say. Additionally, I will work on developing my empathy and congruence, which are vital factors in building trust and rapport with others. By emotionally understanding and relating to my clients or students, I will be better able to connect with them and build stronger relationships. Overall, active listening, open-ended questions, reflections, empathy, and congruence are vital skills that I will practice to build rapport with my clients/students.

Another important counseling skill I will practice is verbal and nonverbal communication. This involves being aware of my verbal and nonverbal cues and using them to support the counseling process (Johnson & Green, 2021). For example, I will use a calm and soothing tone of voice, maintain good eye contact, and use an open and non-threatening body posture. Additionally, I will pay attention to my clients’ verbal and nonverbal cues and respond in a way that is appropriate and supportive.

Active listening also is an essential aspect of verbal and nonverbal communication in counseling. This means fully paying attention to what the client is saying, both verbally and nonverbally, and responding in a way that shows understanding and empathy. This can include using reflective listening techniques, such as paraphrasing and summarizing what the client has said, as well as nonverbal cues, such as nodding and maintaining good eye contact. Additionally, it is essential to be aware of and manage nonverbal cues that are distracting or off-putting, such as fidgeting or crossing arms (Egan, 2018)Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay. Overall, effective verbal and nonverbal communication is essential for building trust and rapport with clients and creating a safe and supportive environment for them to explore their thoughts and feelings.

To be an effective counselor, it is also essential to have a good understanding of counseling theories. I will familiarize myself with various theories, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, person-centered therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy (Johnson & Green, 2021). Additionally, I will learn how to align these theories with my counseling goals and use them to develop treatment plans tailored to my client’s specific needs.

Furthermore, in my practice as a counselor, I will consciously apply my knowledge of counseling theories in a way that is respectful of my client’s cultural and individual differences (Moyers, 2014)Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay. This includes being culturally responsive, and humble, and recognizing that there is no single “right” way to provide counseling services. I will strive to understand my client’s cultural backgrounds, beliefs, values, and experiences and use this understanding to inform my counseling approach. I will also be aware of and sensitive to the potential impact of cultural factors on the therapeutic relationship and the therapeutic process.

In addition to being culturally responsive and humble, I will strive to understand and appreciate my client’s unique strengths and challenges. This includes taking the time to truly listen to my clients, understand their perspectives, and acknowledge their experiences’ impact on their current situation (Johnson & Green, 2021). I will also respect my clients’ autonomy and empower them to take an active role in their healing and growth. I will be open to feedback and willing to adjust my approach as needed best to meet the needs of each of my clients. Overall, my goal is to provide counseling services tailored to each client’s unique needs and that honor their cultural and individual differences.


In conclusion, as a clinical mental health counselor or school counselor, I provide emotional and psychological support to individuals and groups struggling with mental health issues. This includes assessing, diagnosing, and treating various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship problems. In addition to providing therapy, I may act as a liaison between clients and other healthcare professionals, such as psychiatrists and primary care physicians, to ensure clients receive the most comprehensive care possible. I also play a vital role in promoting mental health education and awareness in the community, working with schools and organizations to provide resources and support for those in need. I aim to empower individuals to improve their mental well-being and live fulfilling lives. Clinical Mental Health Counselor Essay