Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper

Philosophy of nursing can be defined as a particular statement, which is written by nursing students that mainly comprises of the declaration of the nurse’s own beliefs, values and ethics regarding their care and treatment of patients. Philosophy of nursing helps them in developing the career of the nurses and in enhancing the lives of the people and their families whom the nurses provide care (Thome 2016). The report would be reflective depicting my philosophy of nursing, reflection of my nursing abilities through SWOT analysis and three strategies by which I tend to develop my nursing skills for future. Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper


The nursing professionals have the responsibility to care for the patients and the families who visit the healthcare centers with the knowledge (developed by them) on recent modes of treatments and interventions of various diseases and disorders. They should make sure that they not only respect the dignity and autonomy of the person receiving care. They should also understand their individual needs and act accordingly to provide satisfaction to the patients. The nurses have to maintain standard 3 which says maintaining the capability of practices where nurses should be responsible and accountable (NMBA standards 2018). The care provided by them should be based on compassion, sensitivity, empathy and respect (Matua2015). Moreover, it is extremely important for the nurses to provide equal treatment and attention to patients irrespective of their class, creed, religion and socio-economic status. This supports the Codes of conduct by NMBA which states that nurses need to reflect the dignity, culture, ethnicity and many others (NMBA code of conduct 2018). They should manage risks in ways, which provides the safest care to patients. They should be up to date with all the recent advancements in the field of nursing, so that the best care is provided to patient (Kikuchi 2014)Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper. Moreover, empowering patients by providing them proper health literacy is another important part of nursing, ensuring them a healthy life for future.

Strength:(communication skills, socializing with patient and staffs, Active listening ,asking question can go very well in strength for New Graduate nurses)  no cultural bias is also good for strength.

I have no cultural bias and therefore patients of different cultures would feel comfortable with me in sharing their feelings and emotions with me.

I have multi-tasking skills that help me to complete a number of different activities at the same time. Therefore, when I will be placed in a busy shift in a healthcare center, I will not get nervous. I will be able to complete every activity on time.

I do not get nervous in strenuous situations due to my critical thinking skills. I remain steady and handle the issue with expertise. I believe my steadiness in strenuous and pressurizing situation will help me to tackle critical patients successfully.

Weakness:(multitasking, time management, getting emotional in critical situation ….) can go well in weakness for new grad nurses) Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper

I am quite introvert and do not have proper social skills. Improper socializing skills may affect the patient-provider relationship and this may affect patient outcomes resulting in patient dissatisfaction.

I lack proper communication skills. I cannot provide effective feedback and cannot accept feedback in positive senses. I also do not have proper listening skills and tend to be an impatient listener. This would affect nursing operations with other professionals and with patients.

I am bit slow in searching for proper evidences to develop my nursing skills. I often fail to find the correct articles and journals. I often tend to get stressed when I cannot find proper evidences in digital libraries in time. These affect my treatment practices.

Opportunities:( in this part pls write like …. I would take the available opportunity to upgrade my learning abilities by  attendinginservices, and trainnings of cannulation, blood trnafusion , PICC line  etc .. , reading journals and  policies and protocols of hospitals..etc).

  • As I remain stable in critical situations and handle such situations efficiently, I may be promoted to leading roles of nurses where I can engage myself as the head of a new team. I will teach them how to handle pressures well.Head of team is Too much, this can go well in weakness and threats as new grad nurses can not remain calm at critical situtaions)Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper
  • I can talk well with patients of other cultures and handle them effectively. Therefore, I might be consulted by other junior nurses while handling issues that they had faced by patients of different cultures in the complain cell department.
  • My multitasking ability may help me becoming a leader and leading nursing teams effectively.

Threats:Instead of using “I do not have pls use” “lack of” or similar like thatandpls write like as being a new grad I am bit worried that I might get bullied by older nurses as being slow in clinical skills and hamper to provide quality care to the patients. )and also not being able to speak up for myself …..)and add few extra.

  • I lack proper communication skills and therefore my team members may not understand and appreciate me when I will be working in a multidisciplinary team.
  • I lack socializing skills and for that patients may complain about my attitude which might affect my career and promotions
  • I am not fast in finding evidences on time and therefore the care I will be providing might not be up to standard. This may affect patient health and satisfaction.

I have to provide care up to standard may be I might be bit slow bit has to so do not write that it wont be up to standard) Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper

From the entire Swotanalsysis, I have understood that there are three important barriers which I need to overcome to provide the best care to patients. The first one is developing social skills. Researchers are of the opinion that better the social skills of the nurses, better they can show empathy and compassion to the patients making them feel loved, respected and cared for (Foster et al. 2015). These have positive impacts on patients as they emotionally and mentally feel secured. Moreover, developing social skills are also important as it helps the nurses in making the patients speak their hearts out and thereby knowing the social determinants of health affecting them (Flinkman and Salentera 2015). Secondly, my improper communication skills may not only create conflicts among the group members but also make me feel isolated from the team Standards of registered nurses set by NMBA states the important of developing a nursing practice by communication properly with concerned persons. Therefore, in this aspect, I will have difficulty as I do not have communication skills (NMBA professional standards 2018). This will hamper me emotionally. Moreover, it may also lead to medical errors, longer waiting times for patients, development of stress in patients, improper health literacy and others (Kourkota and Papathanasiou 2014). As I do not have proper skills for evidence search, I might not adapt to new practices in nursing. However, my critical thinking skills in strenuous moments and culturally competent care are only my strengths. I need to be more focused and develop proper skills to provide the best care. Code of ethics set by NMBA states the importance of nurses valuing the diversity of people and ensuring quality nursing for all people. Therefore, my strengths align with the ethics of the NMBA (NMBA Code of ethics 2018)Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper.


  1. I need to develop my communication skills. I have to join workshops that will rectify my faults and help me learn the proper skills. Besides, I will also go through journal papers where researchers over the years have given recommendations about how to develop such skills effectively (Melnyk et al. 2014).
  2. Secondly, I will try to participate in continuous professional development classes (CPD). Here, I will be able to learn about the recent technologies and healthcare practices that I can inculcate in my practices. CPD provides scopes to nurses in learning recent technologies and advancements helping them to be an expert in healthcare (Melnyk 2014).
  3. I need to overcome my introvert nature and be more social with my colleagues and with patients. I will try to put my best step towards patients and try my best to come out of my shell. After the shift, I will reflect on my own effort and will point out what better I could have incorporated in my conversation with the client. I will take feedbacks from patients and colleagues. I will try to incorporate them in my next conversations. Developing proper emotional intelligence will help me develop as a nurse and as a leader for future times (Kikuchi 2014) Philosophy Of Nursing Essay Discussion Paper