Health Care Providers Essay Discussion Paper

Running Head: HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS Health Care Providers Name: Institution: Course Code: HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS 2 Health Care Providers The two providers and services chosen are Indian health services and rehabilitative services. The Indian health service was chosen because it is focused on a particular community. The provider is tasked with the provision of federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives (Shiel, 2018)Health Care Providers Essay Discussion Paper.


The Indian Health Service (IHS) actively advocates for the extensive delivery of health care to the Indian community. On the other hand, rehabilitative services were chosen due to its vital role in the provision of specialized care focused on helping individuals restore physical, mental, or cognitive abilities that have been impaired due to disease, injury, or treatment (NCI, n.d). Rehabilitative interventions mainly constitute of therapy Health Care Providers Essay Discussion Paper