Nursing Theory As Framework For Research Essay Paper

This study the Neurocognitive Consequences of Sleep Deprivation Deficits was conducted using a metaanalysis. The researchers realized that daytime performance was compromised due to sleep loss. This was a universal finding from the samples drawn and literature explored. Other variables associated with the phenomenon showed where financial struggles and social maladjustment were positively related to the independent variable sleep deprivation. Cognition lapses and attacks along with microsleep episodes were found to be associated with the deprivation, which emerged into states of instability in functioning normally (Drummer & Dinges, 2005)Nursing Theory As Framework For Research Essay Paper.


Significantly, quite a few studies repeated negative variables such as mood changes, poor cognition and impaired motor function directly influenced by increased periods of sleep deprivation. These irregularities occurred during the waking times. The neurocognitive domains mostly affected were the working memory and executive attention. The most vulnerable neurocognitive sites appeared to be divergent higher cognitive function. Importantly, the human metabolic and neurological studies revealed that systems involved in neural executive function such as the prefrontal cortex of the brain were most at risk of dysfunctions from sleep deprivation (Drummer & Dinges, 2005)Nursing Theory As Framework For Research Essay Paper.

However, in this meta-analysis the more recent studies showed a predisposition towards explaining how chronic or partial sleep loss was related to societies. One alarming discovery was that neurocognitive deficits mentioned in other studies accumulated over a prolonged period of sleep deprivation. Subjective adaptations to sleepiness seemed to have been a contributory factor as well (Drummer & Dinges, 2005)Nursing Theory As Framework For Research Essay Paper. The researchers continued making assumptions regarding their findings, but the greatest weakness lay in them not adapting a theoretical or conceptual premise for their deliberations. This definitely made their discussions and findings empty being less profound. The consequences are compromised validity and reliability because theory establishes evidence. While these findings may be authentic there is no qualitative measurement matching the truth expressed here.