Benefits Having a Doctorate of Nursing Practice Essay Paper

There have been some competing differences and complimentary forces among a DNP-prepared nurse and a tenured faculty member in the academic setting which have resulted to a revolution in this field. The DNP-prepared nurse  is a new degree option that is not based on traditional; research such as is the case of PHD-prepared nurse but rather it has been tailored for practitioners in Advanced Practice Nurse, APN, who include the nurse practitioners, the specialists in clinical nursing, nurse anesthetists as well as the nurse midwives (Rowberg, 2005)Benefits Having a Doctorate of Nursing Practice Essay Paper.


DNP-prepared nurse is anticipated to prepare its graduates to achieve the highest possible echelons in the nursing clinical practice through sharpening their skills in the areas that are anticipated to enhance the patient outcome which may entail the evidence-based practice, system thinking as well as quality improvement. The DNP-prepared nurse are also equipped with the relevant business skills requisite in successful management of their area of practice as well as being prepared to embrace leadership careers that facilitate in propping up their clinical practice. These may include administration in health care and organizational management.

The DNP-prepared nurse is therefore given the highest possible standard for preparation in their education to meet the challenges of APN. Therefore, the DNP-prepared nurse plays a crucial role in raising the level of APNs to other practitioners in the clinical settings (Sammarco, 2008)Benefits Having a Doctorate of Nursing Practice Essay Paper. This can be attributed to the root causes of competing differences and complimentary forces among a DNP-prepared nurse and a tenured faculty member in the academic setting. Attaining the DNP-prepared nurse recognizes the programs that the candidate did in the master’s lever, which is not the same case with the PHD-prepared nurse.