Essentials Of Doctoral Education For Advanced Nursing Practice

The DNP degree supports a framework that engages advanced practice nurses in complex topics that require expert knowledge and key principles to support many issues of importance to the nursing profession. Under these conditions, it is important to identify areas where improvements are necessary and to support the need for evidence-based practice and advanced clinical knowledge within the profession (Dreher & Glasgow, 2011). In this capacity, I must serve as a subject matter expert in my area of choice and continue to promote an evolution of knowledge and clinical practice methods to support the patients whom I serve. In this case, my patient population with HIV/AIDS is highly vulnerable and requires ongoing support and treatment at a unique level to meet their needs (Anderson, 2015). My project supports these concepts because it aims to translate research into practice and to meet the established core competencies of the profession, including Objective VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes (AACN, 2006)Essentials Of Doctoral Education For Advanced Nursing Practice.


In my role as a DNP-prepared nurse, I must also meet the required objectives and apply the knowledge that I have acquired in a variety of ways that will support an understanding of the chronic care model and its impact on HIV/AIDS patients. I must recognize the needs of this population in the context of chronic illness and apply these concepts to meet their needs effectively (Chang & Johnson, 2014). This process requires the integration of the core competencies of the profession with the specific needs of the patient population in question, using the chronic care model as a guide in supporting how to care for these patients effectively and in a consistent manner. Therefore, knowledge is instrumental in supporting project objectives and in determining how to best move forward to care for and treat this population, in consideration of disease progression and other challenges that influence their quality of life and overall wellbeing Essentials Of Doctoral Education For Advanced Nursing Practice