Nursing Theorists and Their Work Essay Paper


This essay explains the work and life of the theorist, Ida Jean Orlando (1926 – 2007). Specifically, her contribution to the deliberate nursing process theory will be highlighted. Ways in which this theory has been applied and still is valuable to nursing currently will be explored. A biography of this theorist will also be embraced in the discussion. The theory is significant because it laid the foundation for current adaptations in nursing science leading to advances in evidence-based practice interventions.

Brief Biography of Ida Jean Orlando (1926 – 2007)

Ida Jean Orlando was born on August 12th 1926 and passed on November 28th, 2007 at 81 years old. She was known for her work as a psychiatric nurse. Orlando is a first generation Irish American born child. In her early nursing career she served in obstetrics, medical /surgical units and emergency. Further, Orlando’s career path could be described as being diverse serving in the capacity of consultant, practitioner, nursing educator and researcher (Alligood, 2013)Nursing Theorists and Their Work Essay Paper.


The academic attainments were compatible with her achievement status. For example, in 1947 she received a diploma in nursing from Flower 5th Avenue Hospital School of Nursing. Four years later Orlando obtained a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Public Health Nursing from St John’s University Brooklyn, New York. Thereafter, ambition led this aspiring leader to enroll and successfully complete a Masters of Arts degree in Mental Health consultancy from the Teacher College Columbia University. Orlando enjoyed a lavish nursing career eventually serving as associate professor at Yale university graduate nursing program as well as consultant on many nursing organizations’ boards (McEwen & Wills, 2006)Nursing Theorists and Their Work Essay Paper.

Analysis of theory

This theory was created in the late1950s when Orlando served as an associate professor at the Yale University. Deliberate nursing process theory as it was called at the time emerged through observing interactions between nurses and patients when care interventions were executed. The core assumptions derived from the theory relate to the nurse’s role in finding out t patient’s needs and appropriately meeting them through scientific nursing process intervention. No direct relationship to the meta-paradigm concepts (person, environment, health and nursing) was highlighted in this theory, but she emphasized reciprocity in the patient/nurse relationship (Parker & Smith, 2010)Nursing Theorists and Their Work Essay Paper.

Application to nursing care

Faust, C. (2002) conducted a study investigating the usefulness of Orlando’s deliberate nursing process theory within the setting of an extended care facility. The assumptions were used and observations made during a sampled nurse/patient interaction observation.  From  research findings the application produced positive results between patient articulations and nurses’ interpretation of their need for help. In this extended care facility there was marked improvement towards meeting patients’ needs and realization of goals in the organization (Faust, 2002)Nursing Theorists and Their Work Essay Paper.

When interacting with an eleven (11) year old patient who was trying to communicate a discomfort, in applying the deliberate nursing process theory I first listened intently and asked some more questions. From the verbalization it was clear that the child was experiencing pain, which had to be relieved immediately. The patient was previously prescribed analgesic so it was administered as a stat dose. About an hour later speaking with her the pain was less intense and she was falling asleep.


I learnt that the deliberate nursing process theory is not the same as nursing process, which was later developed to include distinct steps. Orlando’s concern was improving patient nurse relationships, which ultimately offer better nursing outcomes. Essentially, the theory espouses that without sincere patient nurse interactions restoration to health is impossible Nursing Theorists and Their Work Essay Paper