Essentials of Doctoral Education in Advanced Nursing Practice

The metaphor regarding the fox and the hedgehog may apply to doctoral nursing practice because students may acquire knowledge of the practice environment, yet the process is an uphill battle, with experienced nurses having the advantage. They are able to contribute at a high level that student nurses are unable to achieve until they have entered the field as an advanced practice nurse and have acquired hands-on experience that will open their eyes to the field and what it has to offer Essentials of Doctoral Education in Advanced Nursing Practice.


Preparation as a doctorally prepared nurse requires high proficiency in a number of skilled areas and strong moral competency in order to achieve the goals and objectives of professional nursing practice (Moser, 2009). This framework supports and encourages nurses to be successful as they move forward in the practice environment, particularly as they engage in moral decision-making hat will have a lasting impact on the practice setting (Moser, 2009). Nurses must be able to demonstrate a high degree of compassion, commitment, flexibility, and sensitivity in working with patients, along with other factors that may influence the ethical principles of nurses in this setting (ANA, 2011)Essentials of Doctoral Education in Advanced Nursing Practice.

At a doctoral level, it is particularly important to identify specific areas where education serves as an important tool in advancing patient care outcomes and in reflecting upon specific areas that require strong morals and ethics (AACN, 2006). This need is also critical at the Masters level and promotes a supportive environment in which nurses may work towards a set of objectives that coincide with ethical beliefs and core values (AACN, 2011)Essentials of Doctoral Education in Advanced Nursing Practice. From a moral perspective, it is critical to develop a framework that will engage a doctoral level nurse in expanding the moral framework of the practice environment and the development of new approaches to manage nursing issues patient care at a high level to meet all required expectations within the context of the professional nursing environment.


American Association of College of Nursing (2006). Essentials of Doctoral Education in Advanced Nursing Practice. Retrieved from:

American Association of College of Nursing (2011). Essentials of Masters education in Nursing. Retrieved from:

American Nursing Association. (2011). Code of ethics with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MN. Retrieved from

Moser, A., Houtepen, R., van de Bruggen, H., Spreeuwenberg, C., & Widdershoven, G., (2009) Autonomous decision-making and moral capacities. Nursing Ethics, 16 (2). doi: 10.1177/0969733008100080 Essentials of Doctoral Education in Advanced Nursing Practice