Applying Lewin Change Management Theory Discussion

A quality-improvement project needed to be accomplished as a nurse leader in maternity is to facilitate the incorporation of best practices into the work carried out by new nurses. Many new nurses appear to be nervous when they complete a task the first few times and it would be valuable to strengthen their confidence in their skills to enhance the quality of work they perform (Main et al., 2012). Therefore, it would be helpful for the senior nurses to create a program that would provide new nurses with a reinforcement of the knowledge of standard protocol before they begin to perform them Applying Lewin Change Management Theory Discussion.


Lewin’s theory of change would improve this project’s chances of success because it is necessary to implement confidence in new nurses (Sutherland et al., 2013). The unfreezing step of the process will allow the students to release their current perception of the task they have ahead of them, while the change step will allow them to reinforce the practice knowledge they already know. The unfreeze step will allow them to confidently apply their knowledge of practice in the clinical setting, which will enable them to consistently apply this skill in an effective manner Applying Lewin Change Management Theory Discussion.

The population this project would benefit is women of reproductive age, while the intervention of interest is nurse confidence. The comparison would be the lack of confidence that impacted practice prior to the implementation of the intervention to the quality of practice that was experienced prior to the implementation of the intervention. The outcome would be quality of care improvement in the maternity ward and the time that it would take to observe this quality improvement would be approximately 30 days. This would show quality improvement in the maternity ward because it would allow new nurses to become more effective workers. Applying Lewin Change Management Theory Discussion