Nursing Satisfaction in Single Room Maternity Care Essay Paper

Single room maternity care makes birth to be natural and family centered incident. The key factor is that the parturient woman in labor and her family are admitted into a single room and remains there during the intrapartum and postpartum stages. Moreover, the newborn stays with the family throughout the period in maternity. Therefore, the family and the nurse attending to them are satisfied since there are little or no interferences to the privacy of the family and their child (Janssen et al, 2000)Nursing Satisfaction in Single Room Maternity Care Essay Paper. This ensures the nurse offers quality care through close attention. On the other hand, traditional care admitted women in combined delivery and labor rooms before being transferred to postpartum rooms. Moreover, in some of the hospitals have separate labor and delivery rooms and hence leading to last minute rush during delivery.


This multi-transfer gave nurses a hard time and that is why the nurses favor the new single room maternity care. Moreover, the interferences caused in the process have also some disadvantages to the clients. In addition, privacy of the delivering or laboring woman was not there and hence the families were not very satisfied in the process (Zwelling & Phillips, 2001). Where the hospitals have separate delivery and labor rooms, the relationship between the families and the nurse attending to the woman is continuously interfered with because once a transfer takes place, the new nurse need to establish a new relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to; fully adopt the single room maternity care since both the nurses and the clients are satisfied. The paper will present an assessment of nursing contentment while working in the single room maternity care as opposed to the traditional maternity, which posed several disadvantages as compared to the former Nursing Satisfaction in Single Room Maternity Care Essay Paper