Physical Therapy Crucial To Sports Injury Recovery Discussion


Source Organization Worksheet

Project Name: Source Organization Worksheet

Project topic: Physical Therapy

Article Title: Physical Therapy Crucial to Sports injury recovery

Article Author: Darice Britt

Database or Web

Date Retrieved (when did you find the article?): November 24, 2016

Source’s Publication Date: November 11, 2016

Publishing Information: The Sports Issue

Source Summary: This article explains the most common sports injuries include sprains, strains,

knee injuries, swollen muscles, shin splints, fractures, and dislocations.



Article Title: Physical Therapist (PT) Education Overview

Article Author: M. Clark

Database or Web URL:

Date Retrieved: November 24, 2016

Source’s Publication Date: October 20, 2015

Publishing Information: American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

Source Summary:

Article Title: Types of Physical Therapy

Article Author: Laura Inverarity, DO

Database or Web

Date Retrieved: November 25, 2016

Source’s Publication Date: April 29, 2016

Publishing Information: Very Well

Source Summary: This article explains the different types of physical therapy. I chose this article

because physical therapy is always changing, and I like the challenge of always learning new ideas

or techniques to educate myself and prepare for the future.

Physical Therapy Crucial To Sports Injury Recovery Discussion