Practicum Journal Entry Paper

Running Head: PRACTICUM JOURNAL ENTRY 1 Title: Practicum Journal Entry 1 Student’s name: Course title: 1 PRACTICUM JOURNAL ENTRY 1 2 Practicum Journal Entry 1 Compliance of the surgical safety checklist among or team members I am currently doing my Nursing Practicum and am now in the surgical department. To ensure complications and mortality is reduced during surgeries and after surgeries, the hospital has an effective tool called the Surgical Safety Checklist which was introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) (Gitelis et al., 2017)Health And Medicine Homework Paper.


To achieve its goal, the team should comply with the Surgical safety checklist. The objective of the Surgical Safety Checklist that we are carrying is to ensure that all the tasks in each of the stages in the checklist are competed before the surgery begins. One issue that I have encountered is that team members do not introduce themselves and their roles. This has been because the team members are already familiar with each other from their interactions in the hospital. This is not recommended as good communication is very crucial in the operating room. When each of the team members has clearly stated their roles, the operation proceeds … Practicum Journal Entry Paper