Nurse Sensitive Indicators Discussion

Running head: NURSE-SENSITIVE INDICATORS 1 Nurse-Sensitive Indicators Student name Institution 1 NURSE-SENSITIVE INDICATORS Nurse-sensitive indicators and their Importance Introduction Nurse sensitive indicators are the indicators that estimate the measures and represent the structure and processes of nursing care. Nursing practices has undergone various changes in the past few decades, in order to enhance the quality of care provided to the patients. The nursesensitive indicators have provided freedom and control of the processes to the nurses which revolve around the quality of care delivered to the patients (Myers et al., 2018)Nurse Sensitive Indicators Discussion.


It is essential for nurses to understand the critical aspects of nurse-sensitive indicators for the reason that they provide the staff with measurable methods to examine the quality of care provided to the patient. Nurse sensitive indicators make sure that the nurses are knowledgeable of the things important for providing safe and quality care within the organizational settings. The paper will discuss the selected disease, nurse-sensitive indicators, and care plan to improve the outcome. Diabetes The deceased selected for further analysis is diabetes. Diabetes is the most chronic disease nowadays. It is categorized as type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. The research shows that around 90% of the diabetic people have type 2 diabetes Nurse Sensitive Indicators Discussion