Trends In Healthcare Discussion Paper

Running head: TRENDS IN HEALTHCARE 1 Trends in Healthcare Name Institutional Affiliation TRENDS IN HEALTHCARE 2 Trends in Healthcare The healthcare industry is an evolving industry with emerging new trends. The industry is affected by factors like the economy, competition, technology and law (Cherry, & Jacob, 2016). For healthcare practitioners to be able to effectively perform their roles and responsibilities, it is imperative that they are conversant with the trends in the industry. Some of the trends in the healthcare industry include technological advancements, regulations by CMS and the increase in chronic illnesses Trends In Healthcare Discussion Paper.


Technological Advancements Technology has proliferated the healthcare industry and brought positive outcomes that have transformed the delivery of service and patient care (Groves, Kayyali, Knott, & Kuiken, 2016). An increase in wearable tracking devices that are enabling people track their physical activities, consumption of calories and sleep patterns, among others, has offered potential to ameliorate patient care and management. Patient centered care has brought a new approach of interacting with patients outside the conventional office setting (Groves, Kayyali, Knott, & Kuiken, 2016). An increase in data demands to plan and make decisions in the industry can be observed among administrators and clinicians alike. Furthermore, eligible providers and hospitals continue to come up with meaningful ways of using EHRs Trends In Healthcare Discussion Paper