Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Study

You are working in an agency. A family of four comes to see you about increased conflict in the family and the father’s withdrawal from the family. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Study Enrique, the father, is 45 years old. He works as an airline baggage handler and has learned that he may be laid off in the near future. This brings back negative memories for him of a previous layoff 10 years earlier, three years after moving to the United States from Guatemala. This time, even though the monetary issues are less significant, the anticipated layoff makes Enrique feel that he has failed his family by not having a more secure income. For the past three months, he has shown increasing anger towards his wife, Sophia, and periods of withdrawal. Sophia tries to reassure him that her income will support them until he gets another job. They have two adolescent boys: Hernandez, 13 (born in the United States), and Carlos, 16. Hernandez is well-rounded and does well in school. Carlos struggles with schoolwork, attendance, and anger. The conflicts between the boys and among the boys and Sophia have increased, as have Enrique’s angry outbursts toward Sophia. However, Sophia is most concerned about Enrique’s growing depression.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Study


Answer these 5 questions. Each question should be a good solid paragraph. APA, with at least 2 credible references and in text citation.

  • What strengths and skills do you bring to this case that will help you engage authentically with this client family?
  • Reflect upon your skill level and your ability to join with the family system. Did you have difficulty joining with a particular family member? What steps, if any, will you need to take to strengthen your abilities to authentically join with every member of the client family?
  • Which biases or lack of diversity skills might challenge you with this case?
  • According to the code of ethics, how could your biases or lack of skills potentially compromise your clinical practice?Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Study