Technological Development of the Health System

I am glad to share with my colleagues and I would like to talk on evolving practice of nursing and patient care and delivery models. The nursing care is going to change in the nearest future and nurses have to come prepared to considerable changes in the nursing practice and they should be able to perform multiple tasks and functions which do not always relate to nursing directly. Considerable changes in nursing care are the result of consistent changes of technologies and evolution of health care system, which involves profound transformations of health care organizations and roles of health care professionals.Technological Development of the Health System

The fast progress of technology inevitably raises the problem of the ongoing lifetime learning of nurses because nurses should keep progressing all the time and to comply with the advancement in technology as well as new methods of nursing care and treatment of patients. The introduction of new strategies of nursing care and treatment of patients also require the continuity or continuum of care because patients need rehabilitation and nurse support after the end of the intensive treatment. This is often the case of patients with chronic health problems, like diabetes. Nurses should also become aware that contemporary health care organizations steadily turn into accountable care organizations (ACO). Accountability is pivotal because it defines the trust and confidence of patients in nurses and doctors. Accountable organizations imply the high level of nurse accountability. Also, nurses should come prepared to work at medical homes and nurse-managed health clinics which are likely to steadily replace conventional health care organizations.Technological Development of the Health System


I believe the aforementioned changes are quite challenging and you have probably got some ideas on the changes. So I would offer to share your impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes.

Part 2

The feedback shared by three nurse colleagues reveals their awareness of ongoing changes that have a considerable impact on their professional performance.

Nurse 1. The feedback focused on the awareness of the nurse that the ongoing learning is necessary for the professional development and effective performance of nurses. However, the nurse argued that the training and learning of nurses becomes the individual matter of each nurse rather than a well-planned process organized and managed by the health care organization, where nurses work (Minvielle, 2008). In this regard, the nurse expresses her concerns about the difficulty of the ongoing self-learning and she questions the effectiveness of self-learning which is the priority for nurses, who do not get support in their training from the part of their health care organizations (Hartmann, et al., 2009). In such a way, she argues that the support of health care organizations and well-planned training programs for nurses could increase the effectiveness of training of nurses and their effective professional development, while self-learning is necessary and important but it is not always as effective as carefully planned and well-developed training program managed by the health care organization, where nurses work.Technological Development of the Health System

Nurse 2. The feedback of the nurse reveals the difficulty of the adaptation of the nursing staff to fast progressing technologies and technological changes. The nurse has recognized the importance of effective adaptation of nurses to the use of new technologies. She admitted that new technologies may raise substantial challenges, especially for nurses that do not participate in training programs and have difficulties with the use of technology (Hann, et al., 2007). New technologies become challenging for nurses because they need time to learn how to use new technologies, but nurses often lack time to learn how to use new technologies. Therefore, the nurse concludes that nurses need to overcome the problem of using new technologies.


Nurse 3. The feedback revealed the problem of the accountability of nurses and health care organization. The nurse shared her experience, when top managers of the health care organization, where she used to work, acted unethically and breached their duties in relation to patients and the key stakeholders, while they also promoted the idea of accountability of professionals working at the organization (Rounds & Rappaport, 2008).Technological Development of the Health System As a result, they required accountability from employees but acted irresponsibly and unethically themselves. This is why the nurse concludes that accountability should be complex and involve the entire organization. Otherwise, health care organizations will just face the problem of internal conflicts between professionals working at the organization.Therefore, the impressions of nurses are consistent with what I have researched about health reform but they also reveal possible challenges the health care reform and changes that occur in health care organizations are likely to confront in the course of their development. Nurses have identified the importance of learning, accountability and use of new technologies, but they have also recognized that each of these aspects raises substantial challenges in face of nurses and health care organizations (Konteh, et al., 2008). Therefore, the implementation of changes by health care organizations should take into consideration multiple challenges they may confront but often fail to foresee. In this regard, the communication with nurses can help health care organizations to elaborate effective policies to complete changes successfully and to head toward the successful implementation of their strategies and policies. In this regard, learning, accountability, and the implementation of new technologies is pivotal.Technological Development of the Health System