Cardiac Catheterization Example Essay

The cardiac catheterization plays an important part in the treatment of heart-related health problems. The cardiac catheterization is very effective in terms of the development of diagnosis strategies and facilitates the treatment of some cardiac diseases. The cardiac catheterization is a procedure that allows the cardiologist to get direct information about the blood pressures and patterns of blood flow within the heart of a patient.Cardiac Catheterization Example Essay The left heart catheterization focuses on the revelation of occlusions and physicians can make more accurate diagnosis with the help of such cardiac catheterization. The right heart catheterization focuses on the heart proper and its condition and inner space. During the catheterization an angiogram is usually performed to record the circulation of blood in the body of the patient. Sometimes a heart defect can be treated during the cardiac catheterization. The advantage of the cardiac catheterization compared to other methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and heart disease is the speed of the cardiac catheterization. The recovery of patients after the procedure is fast that helps to provide them with the proper treatment on the ground of the diagnosis determined with the help of the cardiac catheterization. The cardiac catheterization is patient friendly that is particularly important for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases and related problems. Therefore, the cardiac catheterization helps to diagnose accurately specific health problem related to heart and blood system of the body and provide the treatment of some diseases and this procedure has multiple benefits for patients as well as physicians.

Cardiac Catheterization

The cardiac catheterization is an important procedure in the treatment of heart-related health problems. This procedure helps to determine specific health problems and localize the problem without the large scale interference. The cardiac catheterization is very effective in terms of the development of diagnosis strategies and facilitates the treatment of some cardiac diseases. Therefore, the application of the cardiac catheterization is broad and opens wide opportunities for the practical implementation in the field of health care but the proper implementation of the cardiac catheterization requires the full understanding of the essence of the procedure, risks associated with the cardiac catheterization, and benefits for the health of patients. Cardiac Catheterization Example Essay


The cardiac catheterization is a procedure that allows the cardiologist to get direct information about the blood pressures and patterns of blood flow within the heart of a patient (Cardiac Catheterization and Angiogram, 2017). Technically, the process of the cardiac catheterization is quite complicated but still applicable and effective. The catheterization involves placing small IV tubes in the vein and artery of a leg, arm or the neck. Through the special IV tubes the cardiologist can pass thinner tubes (called catheters) into the circulation (Cardiac Catheterization and Angiogram, 2017). Catheters are small, hollow plastic tubes that are the size of spaghetti noodles. The catheter is slowly moved through the circulation until it reaches the heart. From there it can be passed to different chambers of the heart and to the veins and arteries connected to the heart (Cardiac Catheterization and Angiogram, 2017). As the catheter moves through veins and arteries, physicians can observe and record their findings concerning the structure of veins and arteries and blood flow.Cardiac Catheterization Example Essay

In this respect, researchers distinguish the left heart catheterization and the right heart catheterization. The left heart catheterization is used in cases of direct intervention in cases of coronary artery occlusion (Cardiac Cath Lab Basics, 2012). The right heart catheterization helps physicians to determine the pressures within the heart (Cardiac Cath Lab Basics, 2012). The left heart catheterization focuses on the revelation of occlusions and physicians can make more accurate diagnosis with the help of such cardiac catheterization. The right heart catheterization focuses on the heart proper and its condition and inner space. In such a way, when physicians need to research vessels, they use the left heart catheterization, whereas, when they need to study in details the hearty, they use the right heart catheterization.

During the catheterization an angiogram is usually performed. This is done by injecting special fluid (called dye or contrast) through the catheter into a blood vessel or a chamber of the heart. Since the dye is visible by X-ray, an X-ray movie of the circulation can be recorded (Cardiac Catheterization and Angiogram, 2017).  The angiogram helps to trace the movement of blood throughout the body and X-rays can help to record the circulation and identify areas, where problems exist. The identification of problem areas helps to conduct the diagnosis more accurately and relatively fast.

Moreover, sometimes a heart defect can be treated during the cardiac catheterization. This procedure is called an interventional or therapeutic catheterization (Understanding and Preparing for the Catheterization Procedure, 2017). In other words, the cardiac catheterization has a positive impact on the treatment of patients with cardiovascular problems and heart disease. The treatment of patients with the help of the cardiac catheterization is quite effective because it is accurate and focuses on the problem area, which is under the impact of some malfunction or other problems.Cardiac Catheterization Example Essay

The advantage of the cardiac catheterization compared to other methods of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and heart disease is the speed of the cardiac catheterization. The cardiac catheterization is performed fast, although medication may be used to help patients to relax during the procedure. At the same time, the recovery after the cardiac catheterization is fast too. This is why patients do not suffer from the stressful environment and the procedure is comfortable and patient-friendly. The recovery of patients after the procedure is fast that helps to provide them with the proper treatment on the ground of the diagnosis determined with the help of the cardiac catheterization. Therefore, the cardiac catheterization is effective and helps to conduct diagnosis and treatment faster compared to conventional methods of diagnosis and treatment. The patient friendliness is extremely important in the treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and heart-related problems because patients are very sensitive and non-invasive, friendly diagnosis and treatment methods help them to perform successfully and increase the effectiveness of the treatment process.

Thus, the cardiac catheterization is the procedure that allows the cardiologist to get direct information about the blood pressures and patterns of blood flow within the heart of a patient that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and heart-related problems. This procedure is effective due to the high accuracy and speed of the diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, the cardiac catheterization is patient friendly that is particularly important for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases and related problems.Cardiac Catheterization Example Essay