Perspective Of Permitting Monetization Of Organs

I will be debating against the bioethical issue from an ethical perspective. Permitting the monetisation of organs disrupts the ethical principle of justice in terms of fairness and equity. Due to the economic inequality, wealthier people would benefit as they will have the means to purchase organs whilst the poorer people would be at a disadvantage. This would add to the discrimination in the healthcare system against a group of people based on their financial status. Dr Campbell who is the chairman of the renal transplant advisory committee stated that permitting the sale of organs would” bring out people who are willing to gamble on adverse health outcome in exchange for $50,000 because they are in desperate need”. Therefore, the economic inequality might cause the poorer population to be exploited for their organs. Perspective Of Permitting Monetization Of Organs

People that are in a vulnerable position and desperate for money will sell their organ despite the long-term health risk. Thus, establishing a market for organ trading would essentially be transferring health from the poorer population to the wealthier population. In addition, people that voluntarily donate organs tend to be more upfront about their medical history that could put the recipient at risk. Financial incentives will risk the possibility of people being dishonest which will harm both the donor and recipient. Although the beneficence principle would support the sale of organ as it would improve the quality of life for the recipient, the person from which organ was obtained from would face a certain level of risk. Perspective Of Permitting Monetization Of Organs


Similarly, the non-maleficence principle would consider the risk associated with surgery and removal of an orga. Studies have shown that 0.03% of kidney donors have passed away and quarter of the percent have faced long term complications. Although the percentage of people who have faced complications is small, equal concern should be placed on the both receipt and the donor.

he deontology theory would consider placing monetary value or price on human organs to be morally wrong as it makes human beings as a means or commodity to gain profit. Monetary incentives can violate ones right to human dignity by degrading human beings as a commodity or an object.

The danger of allowing people to sell their organs is the possibility of corrupted, unfair or unjust trading system and organ trafficking. Although people should be given the right to autonomy when deciding to sell their organs, problems arise from determining whether consent is valid. Monetary incentives might cloud their judgment as they may give consent quickly by solely focusing on the financial gain instead of contemplating the risks. This puts people that are in desperate need for money in a vulnerable position. Therefore, permitting the sale of organs would be implementing a radical policy shift, contrary to the core values held by many Australians.Perspective Of Permitting Monetization Of Organs