Roots Of My Aspiration To Study Medicine
Not an art nor an explicit science, medicine resides between the two; A combination of the traditional sciences, social sciences, and art of human connection creates a dynamic, compelling and constantly evolving discipline that captivates and inspires me. The decision to undertake the vocational study of medicine is one I have made via extensive research through many years of persistence, hard work, and occasional self-doubt.Roots Of My Aspiration To Study Medicine
I was first exposed to the world of medicine when I attended a six-part university lecture series in which I became engrossed with the diverse avenues medicine offers. My understanding of the faculty developed and the desire to study medicine commenced. Attending Anatomy Lab and joining dissection club, gave me a great sense of awe. Observing and further dissecting a semi-synthetic cadaver resulted in me genuinely appreciating anatomy and the crucial role of anatomical understanding in treating conditions. Attending the NHS careers day created a holistic view of medicine as I saw how many faculties combine to support and uphold the core values. Shadowing doctors, ranging from FY1 to specialist cardiology consultants, has allowed me to see the progression of a doctor. Seeing diagnostic tools in action, such as echocardiograms, that I had previously read about fascinated me. Ward rounds showed me the importance of monitoring a patient’s progress and how professional relationships are initiated, maintained and developed. The multidisciplinary team intrigued me and I found that regardless of staff, or facilities, there is unequivocally one goal; to ensure the patient’s welfare and health comes first. I saw first-hand how teamwork is crucial to the running of a ward. All hospital staff displayed resilience, determination, and altruism even in the face of adversity, a challenge which I would be delighted to pursue. This week reflected my reading of “My life in your hands” where I dissected these challenges, for instance, time constraints. Shadowing care assistants in a care home showed me care, compassion, and patience. I witnessed the harsh realities of deterioration as one ages, but also how the respect of a resident is of the utmost importance. On my first day in a GP clinic, I witnessed a variety of dialogue between patients, doctors, and nurses. In regards to taking blood, this could be daunting for some, so the communication was of a caring and reassuring manner, tailored specifically to the individual needs of the patient.
The inquisitive nature of doctors was highlighted during consultations wherein a variety of health conditions were explored, furthermore, the shared decision making was truly thought-provoking, and a team I endeavor to be a part of. As a mealtime assistant, I have been able to acquaint myself with both the medical environment and a wide range of patients. This has improved my communication skills wherein my multilingualism has come in use. Many were grateful for the simple act of conversation. Additionally, volunteering at a charity shop has provided me with a long-term commitment. I have gained indispensable skills during my part-time job in hospitality, notably; conflict resolution and leadership skills, such as dealing with difficult customers and training new staff.Roots Of My Aspiration To Study Medicine
Running in my spare time has enabled me to strive towards and meet goals, for example, completing a 5K, having never ran above a mile before, created a great sense of fulfillment. I thoroughly enjoy reading in my spare time which allows me to de-stress and delve into ‘another world’ whether this is dystopian fiction or scientific non-fiction, it ensures I am invigorated for growth and development.
My aspiration to study medicine is one that was born out of scientific curiosity and an admiration for doctors, I believe my wide range of developing skills and characteristics will provide me with the aptitude to study medicine and successfully progress to become a resilient, empathetic doctor.Roots Of My Aspiration To Study Medicine