The Future of Nursing Research

The future of nursing will depend on the effectiveness of stakeholders in developing policies aimed at improving healthcare delivery. This is because policies act as guidelines on how certain issues are to be handled. This would ensure that important elements are tackled to benefit a population. This is because policies inform the activities in the nursing profession, such as training, education and nursing opportunities, which would establish a benchmark to guide the healthcare professional in order to increase access to medical care (“The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health”, n.d.). It is therefore clear that establishing policies would enforce the aspects of training, education and opportunities. This is because it would ensure that favorable practices are instilled in the nursing profession, which on the other side can only be implemented through legislation, which would result to successful nursing practice.The Future of Nursing Research

In addition, the concept of providing medical care among seniors with chronic illness is amazing. However, the geographical element disappoints as patients would be alienated due to their location. Besides this, the contracting element is beneficial, as it would help to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment being provided by contracted medical facilities, as it would ensure that all are on the same page. As noted also, there are determinants that can be used to gauge a healthy community. This can be seen from disease severity, as highlighted in the community health needs assessment report, with the problems being attributed to low access to quality. This state can be salvaged by implementing better avenues that would allow the use of best practices in order to address the health concerns in the region. This is because such practices will have an impact on the future of nursing, as they will provide a guide on how to handle various shortcomings in the medical field, as enactments will promote the best practices to enhance performance among nurses.The Future of Nursing Research


In terms of supporting the needs of the patients, the issue discussed is of interest that calls for transition. This is because it highlights the policy issues that can improve the nursing fraternity for the sake of the population. However, certain instances depicted in the minutes of Central Valley Care Collaborative do not address the future of nursing. This is because they highlight the issues of the past that have constantly pulled back the nursing fraternity. Other than that, the minutes also lack an in depth analysis on the factors affecting the nursing profession in a community set-up. However, the proposal laid down in the minutes, concerning specialized settings to handle high risk Medicare patients is appropriate (“Central Valley Care Transitions Project”, n.d.), however there is need to establish a framework to support partnerships between healthcare providers and community based organizations.

In addition, as reported in the central valley collaborative meeting, information gathering and data collection is key to enhancing services in the nursing fraternity. The proposal to coordinate the health issues with other specialized hospitals, academia and health planners (“Central Valley Care Transitions Collaborative”, n.d.), is quite promising. This is because they are stakeholders in the medical fraternity, whose participation can positively impact on the future of nursing.The Future of Nursing Research

The current setup depends on centralized medical attention, where healthcare providers are the sole determinants of the outcomes of the health status of their patients. However, future models where healthcare is tailored to the needs of patients and communities will be the norm, rather than establishing healthcare setups that handle diverse healthcare problems (“No more of the same: Ensuring we have the right workforce for future models of care”, n.d.), while not necessarily helping communities based on health data. Apart from this, medical innovation through genetics will be of use in the future. This is because it will help medics to study gene sequencing in order to reduce medical conditions and at the same time improve the quality of outcomes in the medical field (“100,000 Genomes Project will help people for generations to come”, 2015). In using the above regarding the area of nursing, it will be important to integrate the findings into the nursing practice, so as to create nursing practices that impact positively through collaboration and the use of other innovative approaches.

Given the well established healthcare system, there are problems such as the unwillingness to shift according to new healthcare trends, the negative impact of the economy and healthcare providers having to spend more on healthcare systems that strain their operational costs hence making them unsustainable (“5 challenges facing heath systems”, 2014). This raises a concern on the effectiveness of healthcare providers; hence, the future models will help setup healthcare settings that employ effective treatment plans based on data collected, while relying on innovation to reduce and prevent ailments, rather than depend on financing which is affected by poor economic conditions hence affecting healthcare delivery.The Future of Nursing Research

Implementing positive change will correct the above problems. This is because medical technology and genetics already plays a role in reducing ailments, since it helps in analyzing various gene properties of generations in a community thereby reducing medical costs associated with gene based health complications.

The future will therefore depend on the role that advocacy plays. This is because they form the component that supports healthcare delivery. The agency on the other hand has a major strength in advocacy in terms of policy making that can enforce good nursing practices, while on the other hand there should be an improvement in time frame regarding implementation. In doing so, it is important to acquire advocacy skills that can help create networks with likeminded stakeholders to help champion the future of the nursing profession.The Future of Nursing Research