Outcome Indicators of Global Childhood Obesity

For about three decades now, the incidence of obesity and overweight has substantially increased among children aged below 18 years. The highest number of children affected has been evidenced in upper middle income states, whereas countries with low income have the least prevalence rate. Nevertheless, obesity in children is increasing in almost every country with popularity rates growing highest in lower middle income nations. The following are some of the developed and utilized outcome indicators used to measure progress of global childhood obesity. Outcome Indicators of Global Childhood Obesity

Child Health Indicators of Life and Development (CHILD)

This indicator was commissioned by the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection like a component of health screening project. This project engaged representatives of about fifteen EU member States together with other two European Economic Area (EEA) nations, that is, Norway and Iceland. After investigation of child health in literature review and its broadest sense, initial potential lists indicators were spotted and examined for realism and definitional transparency, including pan-European and data availability comparability. The outcome of about 38 sets of indicator provided a broad child health image in Europe as well as suggested productive and other ways to increase knowledge (World Health Organization, 2012).Outcome Indicators of Global Childhood Obesity


Peristat and Perisat II

This was an associate as well as parallel to the CHILD project in the EU health monitoring programme. This indicator dealt with the pregnancy period, labor, maternal post-partum health as well as child health during the period of prenatal. The indicator mostly covers the initial weeks of life and reinforces measures of congenital anomalies, low birth weight, early infant mortality and health determinants throughout pregnancy (Leonardi, 2010).

Child Safety Action Plans

The importance of this indicator is the distribution of the populated sets of infant wellbeing indicators through the EU member states. Additionally, it produces assessment indicators of strategic preparedness dimensions of the member states so as to address the childhood safety agenda regarding leadership, infrastructure as well as capacity.Outcome Indicators of Global Childhood Obesity


This is a demography and socioeconomic indicator that takes social and cultural position as well as characteristics of parents and family to describe the children’s background. First, an outline of both social and cultural measures and indicators, which are significant for analysis on equity regarding health of children are provided. Strengths and weaknesses of cultural and social indicators are described and finally, recommendations for improving and using cultural and social indicators are made in studies on childhood health (World Health Organization, 2007).Outcome Indicators of Global Childhood Obesity