Factors That Cause and Control Diseases
The paper “Factors That Cause and Control Diseases” is an engrossing example of coursework on medical science. The 21st-century concept of health and diseases is that the human body has mechanisms that enable it to heal itself from diseases and remain healthy, as long as the right conditions that ensure good health are provided. Diseases occur when there is an interruption of the natural balance of the body. Hippocrates argues that diseases do not emerge suddenly but they occur as a result of steady abuse of the laws of nature. There is no such attempt in typical medicine that tries to explain how to create good health or the way in which diseases occur.Factors That Cause and Control Diseases
The societies do not see the importance of educating people on how the body functions or how to have personal responsibilities on their bodies so as to maintain good health. Therefore the majority of the people do not have much information on laws of nature that control health and healing. The current medical practices are on the basis of the principle which states that diseases and poor health spread all over and the entire population act as victims.
Modern medicine particularly applies drugs in the treatment of health problems. This move treats only the symptom of the disease by suppressing them. The drugs neither build health nor cure the diseases. The main purpose of the drugs is to cause disruption on the biochemical processes of the body or killing the invading pathogens so as to reduce the symptoms of the diseases. Most of the drugs that are used wisely and correctly save lives and aid in recovery from symptoms and pain.Factors That Cause and Control Diseases
People are supposed to take steps in knowing the causes of the diseases or poor health and take preventive measures where possible (Robbins 122). Most people view health and health care as a personal subject. Assurance of public health is beyond focus each individual’ s health status and therefore there is a requirement of an approach that will look into the health status of the whole population in a nation. The process of assuring national health faces remarkable modifications, general drawbacks, and challenging influences and norms of the people living in society.
Considering these challenges, it is essential to change the public policy of the nation which in the past as been seen as a personal concern for health services together with medicinal research that is beneficial to the individual. So as to have an approach to health issues from the population point of view, the nation must be committed to understanding and working on a complete collection of things that influence health. The nation must address economic, social and cultural surroundings at local, national and state levels. The common factors that affect health and cause diseases are environment, climate, nutrition, and lifestyle.Factors That Cause and Control Diseases