Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness

This assignment would introduce the ‘Speak Up Initiatives’, which is an patient safety program, developed in order to help the patients to promote their safety and thereby, health and wellbeing by pro-actively taking responsibility of their healthcare (“Speak Up Campaigns | Joint Commission”, 2016). The title of the brochure is ‘Speak Up Campaigns’, published in the year 2016 and the information would benefit each and every readers or visitors of this particular website, which may include patients, common people, medical professionals, nonmedical professionals and so on. Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness

National patient safety goals assignment

National patient safety goals refer to the set of objectives that are crucial to attain for the well-being of the patients residing in a country. Here, patient safety can be viewed as protecting patients from probable infections, diseases and other risks. Here, it is important to note that identifying patients correctly, improving staff communications, improving safety with use of medication, reducing healthcare related infections, preventing fall of patients and eliminating other risks to patients can be considered as some of the vital aspects of national patient safety goals. In other words, the national healthcare system is subject to various errors however patient safety goals seek to reduce such errors thereby ensuring improved healthcare services to the patients to reduce overall risks Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness


Summary of Brochure

The brochure discussed about medical illnesses and treatments, overall health care, infant and childrens’ health care. Not only the brochures are available in different language but also audio-visuals are posted in the website, which make the communication more interactive between patients and healthcare providers. The mission of this campaign is to stably improve public health care in association with the stakeholders by assessing organizations operating in healthcare sector, inspire them to improve operations in providing effective and safe care with value and quality. By achieving this, the campaign developers wish that people constantly experience high quality, safe and best value in health care across the globe. It discloses the annual reports of the American hospitals that inform the readers about the quality and safety that in turn inform the authorities about the areas that necessitates improvements. It provides the users with an opportunity to maintain their account, which are password protected that ensures privacy, safety and maintain confidentiality. Thus, enhanced interaction between patients and healthcare providers would allow individuals to maintain their health and wellbeing.

Thus the brochure is highly informative and provided the visitors with an option to communicate with the respective authorities, who could further assist the users with their needs and demands related to healthcare. Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness

Evaluation of Brochure

The entire structure of the brochure, information, connecting relevant links were done well and addition of an interactive session with the healthcare professionals could be an improved idea, which could accelerate the process of communication (Halligan et al. 2014). As a student in healthcare, I always support evidence-based practice and more communication within healthcare setup, which takes care of the overall improvement of the 3 public health. As this brochure aims to improve the quality of life and health of the common people, this topic attracted me to a greater extent.

The information provided in the brochure is highly beneficial, as I could incorporate those information in my patient education. For example, pain is a core concern in health care system, hence, management of pain should be addressed with utmost care in order to promote patient health and wellbeing. Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness This brochure provides information on pain management. Not only that, I come across patients from various ethnic background and non-English speakers. I have received good response by sharing this website with them, which included audio-visual demonstration of pain management. This also demonstrates that the information are clearly presented in the campaigns. Dickson & Flynn (2011) explored nurses’ skill and knowledge in decision making about safe medication administration practice. Nurses ensure medication safety procedures by managing environment and medication safety. Simultaneously, the selected campaign also informs about medication safety, which indicates that the current nursing or healthcare related research support the information presented in the brochure. People residing in US, and also from other countries, health care professionals, students, could be benefited from this brochure. Not only that, individuals who are at risk of developing health related issues would also be benefited from this brochure. Yes, this information will increase patient safety. This is because, the brochure include information on pain management, antibiotics, anaesthesia, depression, memory problems, patient advocacy, prevention of medical errors, risk of falling, stroke and many more. Development of antibiotic resistance is a major issue at present within health acre setup. This brochure could inform the patients to safely use antibiotic dosages to prevent the rate of incidences associated with antibiotic-resistance, MRSA could be a prominent example in this context, responsible for nosocomial infection (Rezaei et al. 2014). Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness