Physical Activity Interventions In Elderly

Nowadays, there is an increase in insufficient Physical activity, which leads to major health and economic costs. In 2000, $76 billion was spent on medical expenses. Physical inactivity is the origin of several chronic conditions and among the top 10 risk factors for global disease burden and cause of 9% of deaths worldwide. It is known that regular physical activity improves quality of life and benefits general health. As well as, preventing the development and progression of most chronic conditions.Physical Activity Interventions In Elderly

However, 30% of the world’s population fails to reach the levels of physical activity to meet the health benefits. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), elderly should exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity a week. However, half of the elderly aged 60 and over are inactive. Due to the increasing older population, the number of people aged over 65 years will triple over the next 30 years. Therefore, physical activity behavior needs to be better understood in order to promote new economical oriented interventions. Environmental, Social, Personal It is known that, physical activity can be influenced by behavioral factors such as, motivation and beliefs. Understanding the older people experiences, beliefs and attitude towards participation in physical activity will help to promote exercise at a targeted population. Therefore, it is necessary to identify facilitators and barriers that stop elderly with chronic conditions from exercising. Physical activity includes leisure time physical activity (walking, dancing, gardening, gardening and hiking), transportation (walking or cycling), occupational, household chores, play, games, sports or planned exercise in the context of daily, family and community activities


Physical inactivity has been recognized as a major health problem. 30% of the world’s population fails to reach the recommended levels of Physical activity.Physical Activity Interventions In Elderly

Lack of physical activity is associated with increase of chronic diseases and mortality rates. Worldwide, 9% of death are linked to physical inactivity and is among the top 10 risk factors for global disease burden. Thus, increasing medical expenses. In 2000, direct medical expenses were estimated at $76 billion. Therefore, it is clear that physical inactivity is a substantial economic cost burden.

Although it is known that physical activity comes with several health benefits such as improved quality of life, as well as, prevention of development and progression of most chronic degenerative diseases, half of the elderly aged over 60 are physical inactive. Moreover, chronic diseases directly influence fitness, related to perceived health. Furthermore, it is known that, activity can be influenced by several behavioral factors, such as motivation, personal beliefs, attitude towards health and knowledge of individuals. The cause of Physical activity behavior is essential to be understood in order for development and improvement in Physical health interventions. The elderly population over 65 will triple the next 30 years, due to the babyboom.Physical Activity Interventions In Elderly