AENCO – Prioritizing Health In Digital Space

Sound health is a basic virtue that keeps one in a perfect state or condition. Without this one’s chance of survival is very slim. However, considering the fact that diverse kinds of diseases are breaking out almost everytime, people require a solution to many of this health challenges they face so as to move on with their respective lives. But it is a statement of fact that to discover a new remedy to an ailment requires ideal and long time research among a group of health professionals or doctors. So as a means to swiftly find solution to the health crises of humanity, AENCO designed its platform such that it brings every one together on a digital system to contribute their health solution quota as a contribution in this aspect of human lives so as to safe many lives.AENCO – Prioritizing Health In Digital Space

This is a blockchain based health network that is inclined to providing health solution for humanity while allowing other entities to contribute to the solutions to health. This project plans to increase the profit of their investors too as a side benefit it presents. They are under the tutelage of some institutional financial that sponsor their provision of new innovation of medicine and ailment improving vaccines that they discover. However, they plan to proffer solution to other upcoming diseases and ailment using its ecosystem in conjuction with other health experts in the system. They allow their investors to take charge of the cryptocurrency market by providing a brokerage system they develop in their ecosystem thus allowing them to earn more token and profit depending on the market specification, from the token value and market capital of the cryptocurrency community. More so, this network provides a Smart Capital Solution as a financial escape for investors to soar high in their investment.


The challenges to medical innovations financing, and the provided solutions by AENCO

As we all know that any business that must thrive has to be well financed. Due to this, raising capital becomes pivotal for any solution to be birthed into reality. Most of the time the source of funds to come by these solution to health is from banks or other financial institution. This sources however can seem disadvantageous due to the high interest rate they charge on the money they lend out to borrowers. Also, it is very difficult to get funds from IPO or initial funding because without any infrastructure, it is almost impossible to get it. But aside all these aforementioned sources of funds, there remains a sure system, I.e the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) which makes funding of any project possible. This will spell out the success of this project.AENCO – Prioritizing Health In Digital Space

This project will definitely change the health sphere and bring about a lasting solution to many health issues or ailments that has been very difficult to discover a remedy for. More so, investors in this project will be in a position for advantage to make tangible profit as they invest into the project because it’s definitely not going to fail.AENCO – Prioritizing Health In Digital Space