Employees’ Personal Hygiene Assignment

In the modern world, people’s perception towards hygiene has changed due to the social economic factors in the society. In the past hygiene was not practiced among all the communities because of the varying methods of sanitation in the different areas. In spite of the embracement trend in hygiene, there are still some limitations in the isolated communities. For instance, employees play a vital role in the production of safe and healthy products or services. Therefore, they are expected to observe hygiene practices at all cost. For this reason, the paper addresses the types, importance, and reasons for personal hygiene amongst the employees.Employees’ Personal Hygiene Assignment

Personal hygiene is considered as the fundamental cleanliness of the body in general. In this case, taking a shower on daily bases and grooming is declared as personal hygiene since one is able to get rid of the existing bacteria, bad odor, and diseases. The use of sanitized soaps also helps in the removal of overbuilt oils, bacteria, and dead cells. Though cleaning of hand before cooking, after visiting the toilet, and sneezing is critical in warding off the germs. Proper dressing of cleaning clothes makes the employee feel confident in public and in the workplace. Proper hygiene is, therefore, an important factor that reduces the risks of bacteria attack and attack by diseases.Employees’ Personal Hygiene Assignment


Personal hygiene portrays the body image, health and psychological condition of a particular worker. In this regard, the body image acts as a motiving factor towards work. However, if neglected, there are high chances that the employee will be stressed or depressed since he or she is not comfortable. The outward appearance of a person is judgmental, hence the can affect the coexistence between workers and customers. The society perception towards a personal overview is influenced by the level of personal hygiene portrayed by the employees.

Personal hygiene is critical to the working environment since it becomes conducive for one to operate peacefully. However, if not practiced, some people are affected and a more likely to suffer in silence. This makes it important for the co-workers to address the issue of personal hygiene without humiliating each other. In this regard, the employees that do not practice personal hygiene will positively adhere to the concern and adopt proper hygiene measures. Therefore, the environment will become conducive to work in.Employees’ Personal Hygiene Assignment

In conclusion, it is evident that an employee’s hygiene standards are vital in enhancing quality and safety of products and services offered. The society consideration of the cleanliness as a basic measure of the hygiene perceives the image portrayed by the employees. Proper care of the personal hygiene is important to be observed in the areas of work as it gives the conduciveness to work and confidence. Therefore, the employees should embrace the need for personal hygiene within the business structure to avoid the bad impression created by the society.Employees’ Personal Hygiene Assignment