Eating Disorders Assignment Essay

I think eating disorders are about more than food. These illnesses are as a result of asymmetrical eating practices and serious anguish or anxiety about physique. Due to their intricacy, eating disorders often require the mediation of therapeutic and emotional specialists to modify their development. These conditions can affect any individual but are most prevalent among young women. However, for the past six years, the number of men who have suffered from these conditions has increased by about seventy percent due to factors such as an increase in the usage of steroids. Besides, the increase can be attributed to the influence of social media.            Although the exact causes of these conditions are not known, I believe that a combination of natural, emotional and ecological pressures trigger these diseases. Genetics, for example, is a leading cause of these conditions (National Institute of Mental Health, 2018). Amplified numbers of eating disorders in relatives of ladies suffering from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa has been observed in the recent past. Besides, twins who were separated at birth and were brought up in different environments is a perfect example that eating disorders are genetic. If one of the twins develops an eating disorder, the other twin is likely to develop a similar problem.Eating Disorders Assignment Essay


          Low self-esteem also triggers the growth of eating ailments. For instance, the development of bulimia is attributed to perfectionistic tendencies and body dissatisfaction among women with low self-esteem. Individuals with low self-esteem may fear mass increase and feel exceptionally inappropriate with their physique (Fankhauser, 2015). Such individuals also practice binge-eating and typically in secret due to remorse and embarrassment. Besides, anxiety often precedes eating disorders. Individuals suffering from anxiety may lack the capacity to control important aspects of their lives such as weight, food, and exercises which indirectly gives the individuals a false sense of control which temporarily relieves symptoms experienced during anxiety.Eating Disorders Assignment Essay

Warning signs and symptoms of eating disorders vary. Drastic mass loss and preparing meals for other individuals without eating characterizes emotional and behavioral signs of anorexia nervosa (Fankhauser, 2015). Individuals suffering from this illness also experience stomach cramps, menstrual irregularities, and muscle weakness, frequency in feeling cold and impaired immune systems.

Eating disorders have health-related effects on individuals. In anorexia nervosa’s sequence of hunger, the body is deprived of vital nutrients it requires to function. As a result, the body is compelled to relax its progressions to save energy resulting in severe therapeutic concerns. For instance, unusually relaxed heart rate and low blood pressure increase the chances of suffering from heart-related diseases to the individual. Besides, the condition leads to rampant dehydration which can result in kidney-related illnesses such as kidney failure (Fankhauser, 2015). Also, the cycle can lead to muscle loss and general weakness which disrupts individuals from carrying their daily activities.

Bulimia nervosa also leads to certain health-related issues to individuals. The recurrent binge-and-purge cycles of bulimia interfere with the digestive system of an individual. This can result in chemical imbalances in the body that affects the functioning of the heart. For instance, this condition can result in heart failures and death.Eating Disorders Assignment Essay

I think eating disorders can best be prevented by eliminating the belief that specific shape and body size will habitually lead to contentment. This can be achieved by accepting the fact that individuals are more than just what their bodies look like (National Institute of Mental Health, 2018. Besides, the condition can be prevented by learning everything about eating disorders. Clear knowledge of these conditions can also help individuals avoid mistaken attitudes about body shape and size.

In conclusion, I think eating disorders are about more than food. These illnesses are as a result of poor eating practices and serious anguish or anxiety about physique. Low self-esteem triggers the growth of eating ailments. For instance, the development of bulimia is attributed to perfectionistic tendencies and body dissatisfaction among women. I think eating disorders can best be prevented by eliminating the belief that specific shape and body size will habitually lead to contentment.


Fankhauser, M. P. (2015). Eating Disorders. NDSU, 135-156.

National Institute of Mental Health. (2018). Eating Disorders. National Institute of Mental Health, 1-6.Eating Disorders Assignment Essay