Myth About Health Inequalities: Social Determinants

There is no us denying the fact that great attention in modern world is given to the issue of health. Current level of development of society allows people not to struggle for their survival. However, they can draw their attention to some other issues such as health, some social conditions or development of humanism. Besides, it is not possible to solve all problems at once. That is why, such issue as health inequality becomes more and more significant. It usually refers to “measurable differences in health status and health outcomes” (Ask the Experts. Forum #3. Myth about health inequalities, 2008, para. 3). That is why, it is obvious, that appearance of this phenomenon can be avoided. Moreover, there is a great number of different myths connected with this issue. Some of them are true, while other just exist in the minds of people. That is why, analysis of these myths is important for understanding of the given issue.Myth About Health Inequalities: Social Determinants

Resting on these facts, it is possible to analyze one of the given myths. Nevertheless, it is believed that people, who live in poor areas with the high level of crime and violence, suffer from pernicious influence of these factors as they, in their turn, influence these peoples health badly. Taking this statement into account, it is possible to analyze the given issue. It is obvious, that areas where people live in poverty are less safe than some other areas. People, who have to think about their survival every day, have no time for some other issues. Additionally, it is possible to say that communicating with other people from the same area, who are also deprived of high incomes, men can easily become despaired (Ask the Experts. Forum #3. Myth about health inequalities, 2008). Despair and grief can lead to depression, which, in its turn, can result in the appearance of drug addiction. Areas with a high level of crime are characterized by a great number of people who distribute drugs as it is the best place for their work.


People want to run from reality using these substances and destroying their health in this way. That is why, it possible to say that these conditions influence worsening of the life of people and appearance of health inequality. However, it is not the only evidence. According to statistics, people, who live in the poor areas, die an average on 7 years earlier than those who live in rich areas (Royal College of Nursing, 2012). This threatening statistics can be explained by the reduced access to hospitals and medical services, which, in its turn, influences the health of a person (Poverty and Health Inequalities, n.d). However, it is believed that the change of environment can have positive influence on a person, promoting improvement of the state of his/her health and life in general. It is rather philosophical question whether environment can change a person or not and it is difficult to say it for sure. However, is should be said that different experiments, connected with the improvement of conditions under which people live in their area, show some positive change in the life of people and their health.Myth About Health Inequalities: Social Determinants

With this in mind, having analyzed the issue, it is possible to make certain conclusion. It should be said that the myth connected with the influence of environment on a person is plausible and people, who live in poor areas, often suffer for the manifestations of health inequality. With this in mind, it should be said, that further investigations of the issue are needed in order to improve current situation.


Ask the Experts. Forum #3. Myth about health inequalities. (2008). Unnatural Causes. Web.

Poverty and Health Inequalities. (n.d.). Web.

Royal College of Nursing. (2012). Health inequalities and the social determinants of health. Web.Myth About Health Inequalities: Social Determinants