Oral Health Care For Patients With Diseases

The primary reason for the formulation of this essay is to critically analyze the link between maintaining proper dental hygiene, and the disease risks associated with poor oral hygiene. In the general population, dental hygiene is the most ignored aspect of the individual’s hygiene; and if this behavior persists for an extended period of time, several serious diseases can occur (Permar & Melfi, 1994). We will discuss diseases that are associated with the poor maintenance of the dental hygiene. This practice is even more important for individual’s, suffering from major diseases. If the proper oral hygiene of these individuals is not maintained, their health can deplete to dangerous levels. Even though, maintaining oral hygiene is a relatively simple and cost effective task.Oral Health Care For Patients With Diseases

In order to achieve the mentioned goal, two peer-reviewed academic articles related to the topic of Dental hygiene and its link with other diseases will be critically analyzed. The first article is “Periodontal disease and oral hygiene habits in a type 2 diabetic population” (Commiso et Al, 2009), and the second article that I will critically analyze is “Nurses’ knowledge of the provision of oral care for patients with dysphagia” (Durgude & Cocks, 2011).


This essay will be subdivided among 5 sections which will help perform an in depth analysis of the subject. The first Section is the Background and rationale, where I will discuss the primary reason for choosing the topic of Dental hygiene administration among individual’s suffering from various diseases. This will allow me to signify the importance of this subject and adequately highlight the dismal dental hygiene practices among the people living in rural areas.

In Section 2, I will conduct the literature review, which will help me utilize research articles to highlight the mentioned medical practice. I will also discuss the relevance of the two articles, and how they help me highlight the issues related with dental hygiene practices for patients with various diseases.Oral Health Care For Patients With Diseases

In Section 3, I will critically appraise both of the articles first separately, and then I will compare both of these articles. Section four will include the discussion and recommendation. The fifth section will consist of the conclusion and the closing remarks. By the fifth section; I am sure that the significance of maintaining proper dental hygiene, especially in the rural areas will be adequately presented.

Section 1- Background/Rationale

Majority of the patients that come to the hospitals are either suffering from physical injuries or advanced stages of diseases. As nurses we have to look for the adequate practices to care for such patients; however, the dental hygiene of the patients is generally an ignored aspect. Patients generally do not give importance to the healthy dental care practices, which may lead to serious diseases in the future. As nurses we have to cater for all medical aspects of the patients’ lives; and dental care is also a significant factor.Oral Health Care For Patients With Diseases