Human Development Research Paper

In many countries, where we came from assimilating a disability has defined deficiency. In this way, disability mean any physical, mental or sensory impairment that limits one or more of the major activities of an individual. The American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against people with disabilities 1, promulgated by the Organization of American States (OAS), unique to the present, take a step forward in defining disability in their Article I, as follows: “The term” disability “means a physical, mental or sensory impairment, whether permanent or temporary, that limits the ability to perform one or more activities of daily living, which can be caused or aggravated by the economic environment and social development. ” (Albrecht & Devlieger, 1999),Human Development Research Paper


We proceed under a set as a cause or aggravating factor in the economic and social environment. However, I think that fits closer to reality, defining disability as a social product, conditioned by the relationship between disability (whether physical or mental) of a person and the social, political, economic and cultural development in which lives and develops (or quit). In other words, disability is not inherent to the person who has some deficiency; it is society that disabled him (Kouzis & Eaton, 1997)

Another approach is the appropriate link in disability and physical functioning. “The performance levels vary greatly within a population, whether in relation to physical, intellectual, sensory abilities (hearing and vision) or as a result of the impact of mental health. If these differences have not taken into account, it can severely limit the effectiveness of programs designed to promote economic and social welfare”.Human Development Research Paper


Physical disability means loss of health that prevents the proper functioning of society and the inability to perform paid work, of course, limited to professions. Loss of health leading to disability can result from congenital defects, trauma, or a consequence of the ongoing chronic disease. Persons with disabilities should be natural under the care of a psychologist, especially children, for whom the normal development of psychic deficit is considerably reduced if the motor or sensory organs. Persons with physical disabilities often face a lack of understanding from the feeling of indulgence, often cannot cope with the bitterness, which is in them, and that relates to the life that has treated them so (Aitchison, 2003). From the mountains exposed to a greater number of obstacles and life, and, therefore as a civilized society should …Human Development Research Paper