Training For Health, Fitness And Sport

Like all the other sports and games, cricket too has its unique demands and requires fit and active player, and only those who fulfill the criterion can perform well in the field. From the psychological point of view, people consider cricket to be a gentle sport as it requires long periods of rest and lengthy breaks that no other sport offers. The concept of cricket being a mild sport comes from the fact that it contains a substantial amount of breaks between periods of intense activity, where players are not only allowed to rest and get prepared for their turn, but they also get a chance to get refreshments assists them physically as well as mentally. While one player is on the field, others can continue with counseling and decide the future strategy according to the current situation, and this gives the team feel to the players, and also boosts up their moral (Price, 2011, Pp: 523).Training For Health, Fitness And Sport

In addition, if there is any minor injury or brief illness, that too can be cured during the rest periods and the player might be fit to participate again by the time his turn comes. However, this is eminent to mention that people underestimate the fitness criterion in cricket, and the overall idea of cricket being a gentle sport is not true. Despite all the gaps and breaks offered, cricket involved high intensity activity and thus the cricketers have to be fit in each regard.Training For Health, Fitness And Sport



In order to get the best of best players, there is conduction of different trainings and exercises, and the players are asked to continue them even when they are not playing, as maintaining ideal conditions, and they have to be fit all the time as it is one of the important conditions of being a cricketer. Training is provided to the cricketers to prevent injuries and remain as safe as possible. As the sport uses hard ball, that could cause serious injuries and also the expected falls and jumps can sometimes prove to be dangerous, so, there is conduction of special trainings before sending the player to the field. (Payton and Barlett, 2007, Pp: 163) Strength training and conditioning specially plays a significant role in this regard, as it assists in building up stamina of the player and also provides them with tips to prevent injury and damage.

Trainings for cricket are not only complex and detailed, but also require the cricketer to put all his strength and energy in the game, thus trying his best to perform well. The sport, as mentioned earlier as well, might appear to be less vigilant and requiring less courage and energy, but the case is totally the opposite. All the moves involved including batting, bowling and fielding require a great amount of strength and power, and perfectly designed programs have to be there to provide appropriate training.Training For Health, Fitness And Sport